Sherlock Holmes - Ginger Nuts - Fluff

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Preview: Sherlock has a sweet-tooth and adores ginger nuts. While Mrs. Hudson is away, his secret supply runs out and Y/A has to come to the rescue and bake some before he throws a tantrum....


"MRS. HUDSOOOOOON" Sherlock's barton voice rings through the halls of his flat. This is the third time so far today that he's forgotten that Mrs. Hudson is away on holiday. He is so used to having his sweet landlady at his side whenever he needs a cuppa or in this case, a ginger nut (or two). He pushes himself out of his chair and huffs his way to his kitchen, scrounging around the cupboards for a leftover ginger nut (knowing damn well he ate the last one yesterday.) 

"What on God's green earth are you doing now, Sherlock?" Y/A says, pinching the bridge of her nose. People tend to do that when they spend more than a moment around Sherlock. He causes more mental distress and confusion to someone in a second than most people can cause in a years time. 

He stands up abruptly from having half of his upper body shoved in one of the bottom cupboards after hearing Y/A voice behind him.

"Nothing of your concern." He says very mater-of-factly. You know exactly what he's looking for. You don't even have to ask. The only time the bachelor ever eats is either some form of take-out, delivery or ginger nuts, and you knew that the only one of those three listed things could be in the cupboard. 

"I can just make some, you know that right?" His eyes dart from the cupboards to meet your eyes. 

"I don't have even the slightest  clue what you're referring to."  You roll your eyes. You know him like the back of your hand. He's a goddamn detective. He knows exactly what you mean.

"Sherlock. Stop it. Get out of the kitchen. I need some room if you want these ginger nuts within the next few hours." You grab your grey flour dusted apron from the pantry hook and tie it around your waist. You tie up Y/H/C(your hair color) hair into a ponytail and get to work. You have the recipe memorized. Your mum used to make them almost weekly for your father, and the recipe is something you couldn't forget even if you tried. 

Sherlock stands just outside of the kitchen, looking like a little kid waiting for candy (which that's pretty much what he is and is doing). You gather up a few of the ingredients like the flour, baking soda, ginger, nutmeg and cinnamon and start measuring. You notice Sherlock is getting closer and closer with each thing you put in the bowl. By the time the oven dings to let you know it's reached its temperature and the ingredients are mixed and shaped into little cookies on the baking sheet, he is right by your side watching you slide the baking sheet into the oven. 

"How long?" He asks as if he might die if its any longer than a few minutes.

"Mmm. About 12 minutes." You reply, setting your little kitchen timer. You look over to see him staring directly at the oven. You chuckle at how adorable he is. His blue eyes staring so intently, his brown curls messily laying on his forehead, his hands resting on the back of a chair-

"Y/A." He repeats, snapping you out of your trace. You notice now that the kitchen timer is going off, trying to alert you to take the biscuits out. You slide on your oven mitts and place the baking sheet gently on the little silicon pot holders. Sherlock reaches to grab one but you grab his wrist

"Do you want to burn your damn mouth? Wait a minute! They have to cool just for a few minutes." He pouts. The only time he gets like this is over these stupid biscuits and not over you... Its hard to not have at least a teeny crush on someone like him. 

After a few minutes pass, you bring a cup of tea and a plate of the ginger nuts over to a now seated Sherlock. You put on some sort of game show to entertain him (once again, like a child). When he sees you approaching he claps his hands quickly and smiles.

"Oh goody" He takes the plate and savors the taste of the freshly bakes biscuits. You take a set in John's old chair, taking a sip of your tea, and a bite of your ginger nut. They really were amazing...You turn your head away from the telly to find Sherlock looking right at you, smiling. Before you can even process what happened, he turned away and proceeded to eat. Hopefully...Maybe one day, you'll be baking ginger nuts with his arms wrapped around your waist you imagine hopefully....


Howdy! Hopefully you enjoyed my first One-shot! :) 

Don't worry, my current obsession is Sherlock, so there will be MANY more Sherlock one-shots that have more fluff and romance (and smut hehe) in them. This one was just one that came to mind and I really wanted to write it :) 

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