
551 18 0

Karma Langston
Atlanta Georgia

I woke up to the smell of bacon I walked in the kitchen seeing Kane get popped by the grease which made me bust out laughing

"Ain't shit funny with yo Goofy ass"he said muggin me

"Anyways you cooking me breakfast"I said wrapping my hands around his waist

"Yeah a lil egg, hot cakes, and bacon"he said putting food on a plate

We had sat down and started talking and eating I really enjoy being around Kane he got some good vibes he was just a cool dude and I found out he a single parent he got a daughter and a son

"So what you doing later"he said while stuffing a pancake in his mouth

"Nothing probably go get Khari and chill and get her ready for school tomorrow"I said shrugging

"Well I wanna take y'all out tonight if you don't mind"he said smiling

"You wanna take us out?"I questioned him cus most dudes don't include the kid

"Yeah I would be me and my kids and you and Khari"he responded

"Okay I'm down where we going and what time"I said

"Be ready by 6 and it's a surprise I'm go get the kids I see you and Khari later"he said kissing me on the cheek and walking out the door

Went upstairs and took a shower and told my dad I was otw to get Khari after I got out it was 12:40pm and I headed to my dad's house once I got there we talked and stuff then we headed out

"Khari I want you to meet somebody tonight" I said looking in the mirror

"Who your boyfriend"she laughed

"No he's not my boyfriend but his a friend"I responded

"Will do he have kids or a kid"she asked

"Yeah he does two a 4 year old girl and 5 year old boy"I answered

"Yay she the same age as me can we go to the mall so I can look cute"she said putting on lipgloss and I nodded my head


So currently we was walking thru the mall and Khari didn't like nothing but I found something so we went it this one store made purposely for kids and she liked this 2 piece that came with this skirt and she got some jellies to go with it so after that we head to the auntie Anne's to get some of them bomb ass pretzel bites and she changed her mind so she got a cookie from the lil cookie stand we end up leaving going to a baby store for my cousin baby shower she was having a boy so yeah and I seen DeAndre and Ieshia and hawk and the rest but I paid them no attention really cus idgaf

"KHARI Pooh"I heard hawk yell

"Hawk"Khari yelled hugging e

"What y'all doing in here"he asked looking at me up and down

"We get clothes for my baby cousin"Khari said smiling

"Oh well we over with yo baby daddy and his goofy girl supposedly she 6 months pregnant"he said annoyed

"Welp congratulations to them"I said not caring

"Ion give a flying fuck ain't my niece I only got one it's you Khari Pooh baby gone be ugly anyways"he said cracking his self up

"Don't say that about the baby"I said shaking my head

"Shid it's true tho look at her ass goofy ass hoe"he said muggin

"You ain't shit but I finna go talk you later"I said giving him hug

After I paid we headed home and got ready for are lil date I guess you can say but Khari was sitting on the couch while I was cleaning my purse out and putting her tablet and other stuff we might need till I heard her call me to see she opened the door for Kane

"Khari what I tell you about opening doors"I said

"Y'all look beautiful y'all ready to get on the rode"he said making Khari shake her head yes

"Let me grab my purse then we can head out"I said and he nodded

We got in the car and he said he had to go pick the kids up after that we made it to chilli's I liked chilli's and plus I wasn't expecting nothing bougie and way his daughter was so pretty and his son looked just like him

"So Miracle and Kaden this the pretty lady I was telling y'all about "he said

"She pretty much prettier than the other girl I mean way pretty " Kaden said looking at me

"Definitely prettier and her daughter to"miracle said agreeing with Kaden

"Well y'all this is karma and her daughter Khari"he said

"It's nice to finally meet you two"I said smiling

After that we ate at first Khari was acting shy then she ended up talking to them and watch some movies on her tablet with them as they at and me Kane had are conversations and then we headed to Dave and busters where the kids had a blast and he was buying them everything they asked for but we left he took us home and we said bye

"Ma I really like Kane Kaden and miracle they are so nice and fun"she said while holding the two stuff animals Kane bought her

"You do I was hoping you did"I said smiling at the thought of her liking him

"Yep but can I call my daddy"she said and I handed her the phone and clicked FaceTime he answered on the 3rd ring

FaceTime call


Khari~hey daddy

DeAndre~hey baby what you doing

Khari~nothing just came back from a arcade

DeAndre~you have fun

Khari~yeah when I'm see you because it feels like it been a long time



DeAndre~i promise

Khari~okay byee

FaceTime call over

After that she got ready for bed and so did I hopefully he don't break his promise because I'm getting real tried of him lying to my baby



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