It made Alicent rather happy to see her daughter getting along with someone that was not herself.

Aemond watched stoicly as his wife greeted his family. She was a better person than he was, as he was still bitter about his mother's inaction towards Aegon's sins. He understood his mother, he did but he was dumbfounded that she would let Aegon go unpunished.

And whenever Aemond would try and seek justice himself, they would stop him. It was like Aegon was some precious cargo they were caring for, and Aemond was just the banner in the wall. He was so tired of being the correct brother and having to put up with Aegon's barbaric ways.

Alicent sat next to Aemond, giving her son a small smile which he did not return.

Alyarra noticed the tension, and she hated that she was the cause for the straining relationship between Aemond, his mother, and his grandsire. She understood her lover, she knew that he only wanted the best for her, but she also understood Alicent. Aegon was her son, and the King's firstborn. She understood why Alicent couldn't just up and punish her son. That was life. Aegon was a prince and a Targaryen. He was clearly above the law.

Alyarra grabbed Aemond's hand in hers and gave it a reassuring squeeze. She needed him to know that she was fine. The royal family watched the tourney for a few hours, but then the happy ambiance changed to a gloomy one as Aegon entered the stands.

Alyarra felt Aemond tense up instantly as his eye landed on his brother, and Alyarra's own heart was beating hard in her chest. Aegon didn't even look at them, instead he just walked to the stands behind them and slumped himself in the seat. He looked like he had been through the Seven Hells and back. And he had.

After what he did, he spent all of his days drowning in cups and in whores. He felt so regretful for what he did, it was tearing him apart. He tried time and time again to apologize to Alyarra, but Aemond would not let him near her. Aegon had to live with the guilt eating away at him daily. He had to watch as the woman he loved, loved his brother.

Aemond wanted to kill his brother for even daring to show up at the tourney for Alyarra's nameday, but he calmed himself down as he did not want to ruin the mood for her.

"It's fine." Alyarra whispered into Aemond's esr as he simply gave her one nod, keeping his eye on the knights below them. Alyarra didn't wish to see Aegon here, but what could she do? She had spent weeks seething and angry at him, but not today. He would not ruin this day for her.

After some more time, Alyarra decided she was ready and so she turned to Catherryn. "Can we talk?" She asked her lady who nodded in return.

The two girls stood from their seat as Alyarra turned to Aemond. "I will be right back, love." Alyarra told him as he gave her a questioning look but then nodded his head.

The girls moved away from all the nobles and Alyarra leaned into Catherryn's ear. "How do I tell him?" Alyarra asked her lady. Alyarra fidgeted with the skin around her nails as she awaited Catherryn's answer.

"You want to tell him today?! I-I don't know? Pull him away and just ease it on him... Do you reckon he'll be excited or angry?" Catherryn questioned as she shifted on her feet.

"This is a good day for celebration. It is a most happy day, why not tell him today? I am just a tad bit nervous... Maybe he'll be angry I kept it from him?" Alyarra was a nervous wreck. She did not know what to expect when she tells Aemond the news.

The Snow Princess - Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now