Badger and Lion? Nah, it's Badger and Snake.

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So I asked my friend to give me a crack pairing from Harry Potter (read: took out a gun and ordered him to give me a crack pairing) and he gave me Cedric Diggory x Draco Malfoy. Then I ordered him to give me a prompt for this pairing, and he and I came up with the plot for this.


Draco has a crush on Cedric.
Cedric is dating Harry.
Jealousy ensues.


I'm usually better at summaries than my own writing, so just read this. It's better than the summary, that's all I can say.
Oh, and this is crack. Complete crack.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. Instead, Harry Potter belongs to J.K Rowling.

Beginning Notes:

There's another piece of writing I'm currently writing for this ship, this is just the one with the plot idea he gave me.

- Denial crossed with Jealousy only causes Mayhem -

Featuring: Draco Malfoy, Cedric Diggory, Harry Potter, and random Gryffindor and Slytherin students. (Characters might be OOC)




Draco does not like Cedric Diggory.

Sure, he did create those "Support Cedric Diggory" badges to get the attention of Cedric, but that meant nothing.

Draco Malfoy does not carry any sort of feelings for the seeker and captain of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team.

....At least that's what he tells himself.

But he was telling the truth!

Draco couldn't like Cedric, they were both male!

....Then again, Blaise is dating Ron, and they're both male.

Whatever, Draco isn't gay anyways.

And if anybody says something different, then they were wrong!


Whatever, I've got to get to Potions.

As Draco walked down the hallway corridor, he heard something.

He turned around and saw-

Harry Potter and Cedric Diggory making out.

Draco felt his blood boiling and an instant desire to tear Potter away from his Cedri-





Snarling, Draco said, "If you two can't keep your mouths off of each other, at least snog somewhere else, not in the hallway corridor!"

Blinking, Harry only responded with, "What do you mean, Malfoy? Am I not allowed to make out with my boyfriend wherever and whenever I want?"

And there was the reason Draco really couldn't like Cedric. Cedric was dating Potter. Only meant that Draco constantly felt like saying Avada Kedavra whenever Potter and Cedric were snogging or doing some lovey-dovey shit.

Draco hated it.

Still, it doesn't mean he liked the badger.

Badgers and Snakes just didn't interact. It was always Lion and Snake, or Eagle and Badger.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2023 ⏰

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