My legs burned as I ran. Apparently we had been transported pretty far from the village. I saw a group of people on the horizon and summoned up some chakra from the grass below me as I ran. I formed it into a Kunai blade. 

"Stop." Kakashi sighed as he slowed his pace. 

I listened to him. I saw the group and recognized them as a four man team from the Leaf. It was Might Guy and his students. Neji looked at me in confusion. Not many had been told of my ability to control chakra of all forms. And there was a difference between the chakras. Only the trained eye can tell the difference. 

"Guy I have never been happier to see you." Kakashi greeted the man. "Listen, we are dealing with anti-chakra. Hakumi can't fight him. I need you and Lee to help." 

"Guy sensei, what is anti-chakra?" Tenten asked. 

"Only taijutsu will be effective against him. Any attack with Chakra will fail." Guy explained. 

The students all nodded. The five of us would fight them and aim to capture whoever we can. We went to attack the five guys who had chased Kakashi and I. I ended up going one on one with Aki. 

"I finally get to see just how strong someone trained by Lord Danzo himself is." He laughed. 

"Except I barely trained under him. Not my physical attacks. He just tried to hone my chakra control. I fight the same way my first master did." I gloated as I shoved him off of me. 

I didn't give him the chance to recover from the shove before launching a kick to him. My kick landed in his stomach. He let out a grunt. To my surprise he recovered from it quickly. He launched several attacks against me that I barely had time to defend against. During his barrage of attacks, he managed to pin me to the ground. A smirk overtook his face. 

"I wonder what your little guard dog would think if I were to kill you right now." The man teased. 

Fear overtook me as I realized what he was hinting at. I knew that in my position, I was powerless. I couldn't use chakra to rescue me as his anti-chakra was still strong. His face was inching closer to me. I squeezed my eyes closed and tried to push back against him. 

Suddenly the man was lifted off of me. I opened my eyes to see Kakashi holding Aki up by the front of his shirt. Aki was slumped unconscious. And Kakashi's free hand had lightning sparking around it. Without a second to waste, he killed the man in a swift action. 

"Scum like you do not deserve life." Kakashi spat at the dead man as he toss the body aside. 

He knelt down next to me. "Are you hurt?" 

I shook my head. "Just a little shaken up from that." I whispered. 

Kakashi offered a hand to help me up. He pulled me up effortlessly and pulled me into a hug. It surprised me as I wasn't accustomed to any form of physical touch beyond the help of a teammate on a mission.

"We should get going." He sighed after letting go. 

I nodded and followed after him. I ended up falling into step with Neji. I knew the boy would ask me about my chakra control. 

"You can control nature chakra?" He asked. 

"Yes, my clan has a power to control all forms of chakra." I explained. "They were wiped out years ago. Your clan used to know very well the power of mine."

We returned to the village after half a day of traveling. The sun was setting by the time we got there. The five of us headed for the Hokage's building to report about the mission. After that I  headed to my place. It was in a rundown building that belonged to my clan years ago. It was the only building that the Sho had claim to within Konoha. It wasn't very big and most people in the village assumed it used to belong to some old person who died during the Kurima attack. I didn't have much. I really only had a sleeping mat, some clothes, and a picture frame that held a lot of sentimental value to me. But I didn't mind much as I was used to sleeping in worse conditions. 

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