Later that night

I tossed in my sleep feeling a hand wrap around me , quickly Jumping up I backed into the wall screaming trying to flip the light switch , only to see Dave laying in the bed half naked .

"DAVE WHAT THE FUCK?!" I screamed rubbing my eyes .

"My bad baby I called at least 6 times had me worried so I just flew in" he stretched getting out of the bed .

"Because I didn't wanna talk obviously...Dave you can't just pop up to my house letting yourself the fuck In seriously you don't understand I mean that?" I flopped down in my bed with my hands over my eyes . This that controlling shit Alyssa was mentioning earlier , not saying she was right but this was a example.

"Damn I'm sorry the fuck up with you?" He stood over me .

"Because ! You don't understand personal space my whole world don't revolve around you-" he squatted cupping my face at eye , giving me direct eye contact .

"Relax and tell me what's really up all this going off on me and taking your frustration out on me ain't gone cut it briea" he said smoothly , calming me .

"I just need a minute Dave...I'm confused right now" I removed my face from his hands . He gave a confused look before standing up .

"Confused about what?" He eyed me .

"Everything taking me fas-"

"Everything meaning me" he crossed his arms , I couldn't even look in his face . What Alyssa said earlier really stuck with me maybe she was right...everything good in my life came from Dave no matter if I worked hard or not .

"Dave stop making everything about you i said everything" I sighed

"Okay if it's not me then what?" He pressed , I sat quietly not knowing how to answer that .

"Exactly..fuck I do ? My whole life is you briea so what the fuck have I did for you to feel like this tell me" he sat in the chair across the room , my heart fluttered . He was so transparent and open with the way he loved me . I just didn't know if this was all apart of trying to control me or not .

"Everything I have is because of you-"

" work your ass off you get what the fuck you deserve but go ahead" he closed his eyes , calming himself .

"Right but it's like you have control in someway I don't know I can't explain" i shrugged .

"Control ? Briea where the fuck this coming from . I don't control shit I do what I'm supposed to do as your man ...I be in positions where bosses be so forgive me for wanting you to be in the same position" he threw his hands up in surrender

"YEAH YOU DO BECAUSE YOU WANNA KNOW MY EVERY FUCKING MOVE !" I yelled , standing up . He stood from the chair saying nothing walking towards me as I ranted on and on .

"And why the fuck you standing over me like you about to do something to me I promise you don't even wanna play with me like that" I caught my breath as my rant ended

"You done?" He scratched his beard , seeming unbothered .

"YEAH!" I cocked my neck folding my arms , with arched eyebrows .

"For one Watch your FUCKING MOUTH! ...IM YO' FUCKING MAN ! RESPECT ME HOW I RESPECT YOU ! I LOVE YOU BRIEA I LOVE YOU YO WHY YOU MAD I WANT YOU TO HAVE THE BEST ?! WHY ?!!!" He yelled , leaving me surprised I stood there as tears fell . He sighed running his hands over his braids then kneeling infront of me zz

"I'm sorry baby-"

"Can you just leave ?" I sniffed , all that yelling does nothing but make me tune the fuck out .

"Leave ?" He stood upright licking his lips ,nodding his head he pulled his clothes over his body .

"Can't believe this shit..all that I love you and this and that man fuck you" he mugged fixing his shirt

"Fuck me?" I walked up pushing him , he grabbed my wrist tightly before pushing me to the side .

"Move yo" he said lowly putting on his chains , while sliding everything in his pockets .

"Don't push me the fuck" I pushed him once more stepping back incase he decided to swing or something.

"I ain't for these childish games briea you mad a FLEW IN not pull up but FLEW IN to make sure you good on top of that what the fuck you give me a key for if you want your personal pace ...I'm out yo' way man call me when you got yo head right you tripping on me for nothing , all because I wanna make sure you have what you need I can tell you ain't never had real man in your life . Whoever putting shit in your head tell'em eat my dick" his accent spewed , and with that he left .

"Fuck" I sat with my head in my hands , tears filled in my eyes as I began to sob , it felt like my whole world was crashing down . The most important people in my life were both acting like asses right now , this was definitely aggravating me . My phone chimed with a message from Dave , I was hesitant but I went ahead opened the thread .

My❤️- hopefully you've cooled down by the time you see this , but briea I'm not sure what changed in a short span of two weeks but if I seem controlling im sorry baby I really am . I just want you win you deserve the best mama . Feel like world crashing right now ...I hope you meant it when you said you love me cause' I did . This ain't us . I ain't Afraid to express my feelings to you baby , tell me what you need me to do . I need you .

Tears flowed even harder , this was breaking me . I had a good man why was it hard for me to believe it . My heart began breaking as I laid under the covers , missing him and my bestfriend .

This chapter was short and emotional 🥺 what are you guys opinion on her and Alyssa ?

Do y'all think Dave deserved this ? Me person hell nawww he a lover boy how tf she gone get him out his shell just to hurt him 🥺 .

Do you think briea can't accept the fact she has a good man ? This her first time having a real man .

Fifty Shades Of Dave (Dave east) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz