Art Dump (W/ LORE 😱)

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Basically a sibling photo and they dragged their cousin, Jackie, into it

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Basically a sibling photo and they dragged their cousin, Jackie, into it. (Silas wanted his cat in the picture too)

I was listening to "Are you Satisfied?" 😌 and just took a screenshot of my little work bc it fit the moment

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I was listening to "Are you Satisfied?" 😌 and just took a screenshot of my little work bc it fit the moment.

I was listening to "Are you Satisfied?" 😌 and just took a screenshot of my little work bc it fit the moment

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My friend came up with lore so we came up with Dew Robin together. They are Soda's bio mom. Becc and Jex don't want him to know so they keep classifying him as their own. Soda would try to be like Dew Robin if they lived by getting the same piercing, hair dye, etc, bc he thinks she's the coolest mom ever. Minus the fact that bro's a player and played all of Soda's parents LMAO. And basically Soda formed the halos on his head since he in the original AU actually thinks Becc is his mom. In the no trauma one he just forms them to look related to Becc as well since Dew Robin still is technically with Jex, Stacy, and Becc.

Also, Becc killed Stacy and kidnapped Sunny bc bro wanted no trace on Jex's first marriage. (She tried to kidnap Silas too) Silas is still very sad that Sunny is missing to this day bc they were best friends even as siblings🧍

I love traumatizing my oc's.

Basically I'm making an oc story rn and this bit is a scene from it lol

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Basically I'm making an oc story rn and this bit is a scene from it lol

(Yes, Soda is talking about Mint when he means roommate. (This is before Mint and Silas start dating) The Mint and Soda have heard of each other but haven't physically met.. yet 🤭)

The background words say "Kill him" btw. They both a lil crazy but I love 'em 🥰

Was supposed to post this since the 18th but put off on it lol. Hopefully I pass my classes and stay in honors English 👍

Artbook 📝 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora