It's been almost a week since me and Porsche decided to escape.

We were currently staying at Tae's summer house in Phuket.

It was almost time for dinner so I decided to take a shower before asking Tae if he can bring us some food.

But when I walked out of the bathroom I couldn't find Porsche in the house.

I went to check the balcony and saw him sitting there admiring the rain.

"It's raining" He said as he put his hand out to feel the rain.

I pulled a chair and sat down in front of him.

"You know...I'm worried about Porchay...He's still there by himself" He said.

Then turned to look at me.

"Do you think we can go back?" He asked.

I stayed silent as I tried to think of an answer.

"I don't know...Things got out of hand you know...The burning accident is still under investigation" I said.

He smiled sullenly.

"It's funny how much I wanted to get my land back and when it was finally within an arm's reach I lost it again" He said.

Then took out a cigarette and lit it.

"You know what though? I don't feel sad one bit...I actually feel kind of relieved" He said.

Then took a breath from the cigarette and let it out before handing it to me.

"I don't think it'd have felt right if I suddenly got all that money" He said chuckling.

I took the cigarette he offered me then took a breath and let it out before chuckling.

"You dislike being rich? That's a first" I said chuckling.

He chuckled and leaned his head back to his seat.

"When you're born and raised on something it becomes difficult to get rid of it easily...That's what people call origins you know...I was born to work and earn enough money for a day then earn more for the next day and so my life goes on...So naturally I'd be scared of suddenly having a lot of money" He said.

Then raised a finger to my face and smiled.

"Unlike you little prince" He said.

I smiled and looked at the sky then took a breath from the cigarette.

"And here I thought you said that you won the lottery" I said.

"Hmmm...I did...But it's in the bank along with most of my earnings from working at your company" He said.

I nodded and handed the cigarette back to him.

He grabbed it and took a breath before stumping it.

Then he stood up and put his hands in his pockets.

"I was never used to running away either...Especially when I'm sure I did nothing wrong so..." He started.

I smiled and shook my head.

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