Chapter 18: The Traitor

Start from the beginning

They all turned and saw, not a beast, but a man. Long and black hair, wearing torn clothes, and a jacket she recognized. Then she recognized the man. Sirius Black. Hermione and Sarah took a step and stood in front of Harry.

"If you want to kill Harry, you'll have to kill us too," said Hermione, trying to sound as threatening and fearless as possible. Hermione was gripping onto Harry, and Sarah took a step forward so she was in front of them both. He'll have to go through her first. Sirius glanced at Sarah and Hermione then looked back at Sarah in surprise.

She saw him mouth "Sarah" but it was so fast, it only hit her after he spoke "Only one will die tonight," with the voice of a madman. Why did she have the feeling she knew him?

"And it will be you!" shouted Harry and ran towards Black, the girls tried to hold him but he was too fast. Harry put his hands around Black's throat, pushed him on the ground, got out his wand. But Black started laughing "Are you going to kill me Harry?"

Harry didn't have time to respond because Remus bursted through the door, wand pointed at Harry "Expelliarmus"

Harry's wand flew out of his hand. Sarah's heart had started beating again when she saw Remus. They were safe now. He gestured for Harry to get out of the way and said "Well, Sirius. Looking rather ragged, aren't we? Finally the flesh reflects the madness within."

"You'd know all about the madness within, wouldn't you, Remus?" Black answered him. Sarah shrugged because she had caught his innuendo. Black knew about Remus? How? Why? And just then, Remus lowered his wand, making the air flow out of her lungs. Remus helped Black up and they hugged. Sarah's face was livid, she looked at Harry, not understanding what was happening. Why was Remus looking like an accomplice? That couldn't be right. Remus was moral, he was just. He was trustworthy.

"I've found him, Remus, I've finally found him," said Sirius pulling away from Remus, grabbing him excitedly.

"Let's kill him," Black growled. Sarah's stomach turned, she stepped closer to Harry. She put a hand close to her wand, preparing for the worst.

"I trusted you!" shouted Hermione at Remus "He's a werewolf! That's why he's been missing classes."

Remus eyes flickered towards Sarah whose face had dropped. How did Hermione find out? He looked at her, wondering if it was her doing, if she told her. Sarah shook her head briefly, assuring him. Hermione's eyes met Sarah's who wasn't shocked at the news because she already knew. Hermione frowned, betrayal flashing across her face. She turned to Remus again.

"How long have you known?" he asked, taking a step closer.

"Since Professor Snape set the essay," she responded in a breath, Sarah could hear its vailed shaking. So it was Snape's doing. Of course he'll step this low.

"Well, well, Hermione, you really are the brightest witch of your age," commented Remus and his eyes met Sarah's. He let out a breath, sending her an apologetic look.

"Enough, Remus, come on, let's kill him!" yelled Sirius again.

"Wait!" ordered Remus but it only made Sirius snap "I did my waiting! Twelve years of it! In Azkaban!"

His words resonated in Sarah's mind, getting flashbacks of blurry shapes moving around the room, Harry's parents, her mother, father, Remus, and Sirius.

I'm the most obvious, said Sirius in a far away voice, he was clean shaved, and well dressed, you should pick Peter.

Bits of memories came back flying, twirling around in Sarah's mind, as she saw herself in her mother's arms and she remembered Harry saying the name Peter Pettigrew.

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