"Someone who believes that Sam masterminded Woodsboro." Gale said.

"If this were a normal Stab movie, this would be the killer's lair." Mindy spoke up.

"Which means this isn't a normal Stab movie." Kirby added on. Tara walked away, and McKenna joined Mindy and Kirby on the side of the stage. "The TV that killed Stu Macher."

"Damn. I'm looking at real evidence of how my father died. That's so fucking cool." McKenna muttered, shaking her head with a small smile, she did find it rather amusing, she was gonna have to bring it up next time she talked to her dad.

"If you believe he's dead." Mindy said.

"I do." McKenna shrugged.

Kirby looked over at Mindy before looking back in front of her. "I hear you're a horror fan."

"It's been said." Mindy nodded.

"And I am now very uninterested in this conversation." McKenna stated, hoping off the stage and walking away, Ethan following her like a lost puppy.


"Hey, McKenna, wait up." Ethan called; the curly-haired girl turned to look at her.

"What's up?" McKenna questioned, smiling at him.

"I... Uh, just wanted to..." Ethan trailed of, not knowing how to say what he wanted to say.

McKenna raised a brow. "Wanted to what?" She stalked closer to him, causing Ethan to suck in a breath.

"Uh..." Ethan cleared his throat. "Uh, McKenna. I like you, a lot, and I just wanted to tell you incase something bad happens to either of us."

"Hmm." McKenna hummed, now standing only a few inches away from him, she could feel his breath, which was shallow, probably due to the close proximity of the two.

"I-is that all you're gonna say?" Ethan questioned.

"Shut up." McKenna whispered before pressing her lips to his. The kiss took Ethan by surprise, but he kissed her back nonetheless.

"Kenna? Are you over--" Mindy cut herself off when she saw the two, McKenna pulled away, slowly, she didn't care if Mindy caught them, but apparently Ethan did, because he cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "I clearly just interrupted something."

"Hmm, you did. But it's alright. I probably shouldn't be kissing someone who's on the suspect list anyways." McKenna shrugged, not having a care in the world. "Come on, we've got things to do." She called over her shoulder as she walked past Mindy, Ethan and Mindy shared a look before they followed after her.


The twins, McKenna, Ethan, and Kirby were now sitting in a van in the park while Sam and Tara walked around outside. "So we're really doing the phone tracing thing that never works in the movies." Mindy spoke up, she had one leg rested on the table in front of her. "It'll be all, 'keep him talking, Sam. Two more minutes, I've almost got him.' And then he hangs up just before we can get a lock."

"I can trace a call in under fifteen seconds." Kirby said, turning her head to look at Mindy.

"Well," Mindy dropped her leg and sat up, "you've got them out there as bait."

"Because the killer usually calls from somewhere nearby." Kirby told her.

McKenna leaned over to Ethan. "Watch as the killer is instead halfway across the city."

"And you think they're safe because it's broad daylight in a public place?" Mindy questioned.

"Look, I am here, okay? And so is Bailey." Kirby stated, looking over at her again.

"I, honestly, don't trust Bailey." McKenna said. "Just putting in my two cents about him."

The others ignored her, well, everyone but Ethan, who shot her a look, but she didn't notice it. "This is exactly how our Uncle Randy died. Broad daylight. Public place. Yanked into a van. Stab, stab, stab. No more Randy." Mindy explained.

"Huh." Kirby nodded, turning back to the laptop in front of her. Ethan held out his bag of Cheetos to Chad, who just looked at him. "Hey, Sam? Stay frosty out there, okay?"

McKenna leaned her head on Ethan's shoulder, getting bored of sitting there. As Sam talked to Ghostface, Kirby traced the call, this was the interesting part, the part that McKenna was waiting for. "Did you get it?" Sam asked Kirby.

"Yep. Geolocation coming through right now. He's on the Upper West Side. He's inside an apartment building halfway across the city." Kirby informed them.

"Told you Ghostface wouldn't be near." McKenna stated, earning exasperated looks from the other four in the van with her.

"On West 96th?" Tara asked.

"How did you know that?" Kirby questioned.

"Gale." McKenna groaned at the same time Sam said the reporter's name.


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