Chapter V

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Chapter Five - Apartment Attack

"Oh, are you insinuating that I'm Ghostface?"


McKenna walked into the kitchen with Sam, where Mindy, Chad, and Ethan already are. "We do not have to stay here." Mindy told Sam.

"Well, too bad. I insist. Safety in numbers." Sam replied.

"This'll be so fun. A little slumber party with the Woodsboro Five!" Chad exclaimed, looking around at everyone.

"'Woodsboro Five'?" Sam repeated.


"Did you just give us a nickname?" Tara questioned.

"I sure did." Chad answered. "I mean, we've been through a lot together, and its a pretty cool nickname."

"That's debatable." Sam said.

"It's extremely debatable." Tara added.

"You just basically named us after the town we were almost killed in." McKenna said, whacking Chad over the head.

"You can't just give yourself a nickname, dingus." Mindy stated.

"Of course I can, dingus, because I just did. Woodsboro Five, up top!" Chad held his hand up.

"No." Mindy said.

"Down low."

"Get that away from me." Tara shook her head.

"Please, for the love of God." Chad sighed, facing Sam.

"Don't do it." Mindy said, the girls starting to laugh.

"You know, I would like a little more respect and support from my fellow members of the Woodsboro Five." Chad told them.

"Guys." Anika called to them. "What the hell." She turned up the volume on the TV as the others walked into the living room.

"We're hearing from sources inside the homicide division that the prime suspect is none other than Samantha Carpenter, one of the survivors of the Woodsboro killings in 2022, seen here attacking a woman on the street last night." The reporter said, then they showed a video of Sam pushing the girl who had thrown her drink on Sam. "In the wake of the Woodsboro tragedy last year, rumors sprouted online that Carpenter was actually responsible for the killings, blaming the crimes on her boyfriend, Richie Kirsch and teen Amber Free--."

"Watch, next their gonna mention me." McKenna muttered.

"In other news, McKenna Macher, daughter of Stu Macher, had punched the same girl in the face, I'm being told that she is also a suspect in this case." The reporter added.

"Just great." McKenna rolled her eyes as Sam picked up the remote and shut the TV off before walking over to the table and sitting down. Tara followed her, sitting down next to her sister.

"I know you're not a fan of the way that I've been handling things, and that I've been giving you a really hard time. But I can say that none of us can relate to what you are experiencing." Tara told her.

"I think McKenna can." Sam whispered.

McKenna sat down at the end of the table. "I'm not being blamed for masterminding a whole killing though."

"And I'm really, really sorry that you have to do that alone." Tara added on.

Sam shook her head. "It's not your fault. And I know I shouldn't care what people think." Sam whipped a tear away. "It just sucks being this hated."

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