Parasite Eve recording

Start from the beginning

"Ouch!" Jordan exaggeratedly holds his arm. "Don't act like that, I barely touched you." Oli stares at him with a motionless face.

You shake your head and stand next to Oli. "Don't fight." You try to mediate the two and put a hand on each of their shoulders. "Shall we get started now?"

"Of course honey. When you feel ready." Oli lowers his head to your hand, which still rests on his shoulder, he kisses your fingers lovingly. You look at him adoringly.

The moment is shattered as Jordan speaks up again. "I mean it, you guys are really cute together." You look to him, his eyes reflecting total seriousness. No joking around.

Apparently Oli notices too, because he slaps him on the shoulder with thanks. "Thanks man. I appreciate that."

"So I have to go in there?" You point to the small room with the mic. "Yep, I'll show and explain everything." You follow Oli into the room.

A few minutes later, you know how everything works and you're standing in front of the mic with headphones on.

You hold your phone in front of it, open on it is the text that Oli sent you.

"Babe, we're about to start." You look at Oli and Jordan and nod.

The music plays. Oli's recorded voice is heard, as it fades you start saying your lines.

"Please remain calm
the end has arrived
we cannot save you
enjoy the ride
this is the moment
you've been waiting for
don't call it a warning
this is a war."

The music stops. You look uncertainly at Oli and Jordan. Well, actually only Jordan, because your boyfriend is not next to him.

Suddenly the door next to you opens. Oli enters the recording room, grinning broadly. "I knew it! You have a talent for this." He pulls you to him and kisses your forehead.

"How good is it?"

"You're still asking that? It's perfect honey! Perfect!"

"Really? Then let's get right on with it."

Oli looks to Jordan. "Let's do that part with me. Okay?" Jordan raises his thumb. Oli grabs headphones that are lying around somewhere and puts them on. Oli winks at you.

You speak the same lyrics as you just did again. Oli leans forward to give his voice more power. It sounds powerful and beautiful at the same time. You smile at each other.

"Thanks Oli, that's perfect too. And sorry Y/N, but on the chorus we'll have to lower your voice a few octaves later." Informs you Jordan while he turns knobs.

Oli leaves the room, but not without giving you a quick kiss.

"So now we're already getting to the end of the song." "Ready." You say before Jordan can ask you.

He smirks and plays the music. Your only task now is to repeat the same phrase over and over.

"We cannot save you
We cannot save you
We cannot save you
We cannot save you
We cannot save you."

You clap your hands in delight as Jordan gives you a thumbs up. You smile as you see the other band members next to him. You quickly put down your headphones and leave the room.

"Hey guys, I missed you." You hug each of them in greeting. Oli stands next to you and wraps his arm around your waist.

"Y/N I'm excited." Says Matt. "That sounded really good."

Lee nods in agreement. "I'm sure the recordings are too."

"Guys, she even only needed one try for each recording. And you know how hard that is." Oli pulls you closer to his side.

Everyone makes an appreciative face. "Respect Y/N, respect." Says Matt.

You blush. "Thank you." Oli smiles.

"Shall we continue recording?" Jordan asks your boyfriend. Oli nods. "You can rest for now. Lie down on the couch."

He leads you to a comfortable looking couch. You lie down on it. "Honey may I have your jacket?"

Oli grins because you're shy. "Of course you can have it. Here." He takes it off and puts it in your hands. Immediately, his scent wraps around you. You snuggle it against you.

Oli rests his hands next to your head.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

Oli grins at your answer and leans down to you. Your lips meet.

"Do that at home, Oli we want to record."

Oli rolls his eyes, you grin. "Get some rest." He kisses your nose, then turns around.

Shortly after, you fall asleep to Oli's singing, clutching his jacket tightly as you do so.

Oliver Sykes One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now