And he was feeling anxious, very anxious, not only because he was by himself , but also because they had unfinished bussisness.

Jungkook dressed himself very well in all black, with a pearl necklace around his neck. A couple of his friend's would be there as well. They had friends in common, so that was obvious.

And as soon as he got there, he was greated by Jimin with a hug and a smile. Jungkook liked the omega, he was always sweet towards him.

"Look at you, you're here!! Hoseok said hugging him and complementing his outfit.

Hoseok was a beta who is friends with almost everyone at the university.

Jungkook looked around and found Jimin and Taehyung talking in a corner. He felt anger still when he saw the alpha there but decided to brush it off.

He was still mad at Taehyung for simply walking away.

"Come on Let's dance a bit, Let's have a drink" the beta said dragging him closer to the middle of the room.

Taehyung was observing the omega from away, seeing him dancing and drinking with the beta. And here and there he'd catch the omega looking in his direction. He looked amazing that night.

Taehyung took one more sip of his drink and then decided to approach them and try to talk to him one last time.

"Jungkook?" He said, making the two instantly stop dancing.

"Can we talk?" Taehyung asked.

"Sure" Jungkook replied and Hobi understood that it was the moment for him to leave.

"Oh, so you have time to talk now? wow!" the omega said ironically taking one more sip of his drink.

"baby, please don't be like that. Don't do this to us" Taehyung said.

" yes keep on blaming me, I'm the immature one right?"

"I miss you like crazy" taehyung said holding his tiny waist to bring him closer while jungkook looked straight right into his eyes.

"Well, the last couple of months you seemed to be pretty well without me. Where's that omega by the way? Because I think I can still smell her on you" Jungkook said covering his nose.

"Really?" Taehyung asked serious and then started to kiss the side of his face.

Eventually the kisses started going down the omega's neck where Taehyung buried his nose to feel his scent better and then started to kiss him on the lips.

Jungkook wanted to push the other away, but he missed the alpha too much. So he wrapped his arms around the other's neck and deepened the kiss.

The kiss was slow and synchronized their tongues slowing dancing around each other. Their heads moving opposite directions.

Taehyung then tightened his embrace around the other's waist. Almost lifting him up and later one the kiss was finished with a few pecks.

"I'm sorry, okay koo? For being late to our date, for not treating you as a priority and for walking away" Taehyung said straight into his omegas eyes and caressing his cheek.

"Please forgive me, huh? hyung is so sorry. I was just so stressed with everything especially, because I knew you were going to be angry. I'm sorry for yelling, specially, I know how much you hate it and that it triggers you. I'm truly sorry, baby. And also, Sooyoung is just my college,  she's mated."

"I know I have failed you the moment I yelled at you, I'm sorry, from the bottom of my heart please give me another chance and forgive me"

Jungkook bit his bottle lip right where his lip piercing was. It became a habit of him whenever he felt anxious.

Jungkook just nodded his head to the other as a sign of "ok" tired of talking, because for the omega, it feels like  telling himself the same old things.

" I don't want to lose you this way" Jungkook thought to himself but didn't say anything. They could talk in the morning still. But in case it is the last time ...

He then kissed the alpha again, faster, this time grabbing the other's hair. Taehyung wasted no time before kissing back passionately And hungry. He can't even remember the last time they kissed like that before the fight.

"Hm" the younger let out a small moan when the alpha put his leg in between his. Making their crotch slightly rub against each other.

Taehyung started to move his hands under the omegas shirt and touched his tiny waist under the black shirt feeling the smaller boy shiver under his touch and completely forgetting that they were in public.

But the kiss broke as soon as they ran out of breath without realizing that a mini crowd looked at them from far away

"Am I forgiven?" Taehyung asked smiling.

" I'm tired of hearing sorry, please not today, how about we leave this party, huh?" Jungkook asked, hugging him tighter and burying his face on his neck.

"If that's what you wish my love" the alpha said before giving multiple pecks and living a bite on his soft lips.

After making in the car before leaving the party. Jungkook was lost in his thoughts the entire time. Thinking if their relationship was fixable and if they were really meant to be. What if he was actually the immature one? What if he needs to fix himself first before getting back together with his boyfriend.

What if he really is the problem? He loved Taehyung, and he is very important to him. He was his first boyfriend, and he just feels so comfortable to him.

Taehyung on the other hand was thinking that they can and that they will work things out. As long as they are willing to be comprehension. They're too young still. And he understands that the only way Jungkook always got to be heard at his house was by fighting.

Taehyung then held his boyfriend's hand as Jungkook looked out of the Window.

Jungkook just wanted everything to be like when they first met and the first year of their relationship.

When they got to Taehyung's place, Jungkook jumped into Taehyung's arms. Again kissing him with a little bit of desperation which made Taehyung let out a giggle.

"calm down baby I'm not going anywhere" the alpha said carrying him to his bed.

And when he realized he was already on top of the omega kissing him with all of his love.

And they made love and cuddled the whole night. They didn't talk much. Jungkook would always say, "not today" when Taehyung tried to apologize again"

Because tomorrow is another day. And Jungkook knew they'd be ok tomorrow.


Thank you for reading!!!

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