Chapter~ 7

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It's been about 2 weeks since Demi and Dominik showed up in Ohio. We hadn't done much aside from watching movies and gone out a couple times. It was a Friday and I was itching to get out of class. I was exhausted and I couldn't wait to get home. Demi told me this morning she wanted to have a 'girls night' or something. So Dom went out to find something to do while Demi and I were gonna spend time together.

I wasn't gonna lie I was a little nervous. I knew there was probably gonna be beer or some other sort of alcohol. I knew Demi wouldn't make me drink if I didn't want to, but I just wasn't a fan of beer which is probably something I should've mentioned to her this morning. I knew I had something up in my cupboards but I wasn't constantly looking to see what I had alcohol wise.

I nearly jumped out of my seat when we were dismissed and I ran out of the room before anyone could stop me. I don't even know how long it took me to get home but it was both too slow and too fast. My nerves were starting to catch up to me and my heart was pounding in my ears as I walked through the door.

I kicked my shoes off and took my jacket off. I walked into the living room and Demi had a blanket laying on the floor with wine and snacks. She also had Disney+ ready to go on the TV. I smiled and walked over to the blanket and sat down.

"How was your day?" Demi asked.

"Long, too long." I sighed.

"I bet, having to wait all that time to see me." She teased.

"Yeah, I nearly tripped on my way here." I laughed.

"Well I don't want you getting hurt now do I?" She asked.

I only shook my head and chuckled. I wasn't aware of how little space there was between us on the blanket until I bumped Demi while reaching for a chip. I sat back where I was and we chatted for a bit until we started looking for a movie. We settled on 10 things I hate about you since Demi had never watched it before and it was one of my favorite movies ever.

About twenty minutes into the movie Demi pulled me towards her and laid me against her. I blushed so much my temperature probably went up a couple degrees. My heart started pounding in my ears again and I did my best to make sure she didn't notice. I even went as fast as holding my breath for as long as I could until I couldn't anymore.

"You okay?" I heard Demi ask.

"Yeah, just getting comfy." I lied.

"You've been constantly holding your breath how is that getting comfortable?" She retorted.

"It's just something I do, ya know?" I lied again.

"Mhm, sure." Demi sighed.

We were quiet again. Only the TV made a sound and the sound of my heart pounding in my ears still. I didn't know why I was so nervous. Maybe it was the closeness of our bodies or the fact I could feel her heart pounding as well.

"I can feel your heart." I whispered.

"Yeah? Wanna know why?" Demi asked.

"Sure." I put simply.

"Because there's a gorgeous person in my arms. Watching a corny ass movie from 1999. Which by the way, this is the only Rom-com I'll ever watch. And I've never really been a touchy person so this is definitely new to me." She explained.

I blushed and laughed slightly. No one has ever called me 'gorgeous' and honestly I never considered myself to be. I know I'm attractive. I know people will every-so-often look at me while I walk down the street, but gorgeous is a long shot. I don't even think that I believe her when she says that.

"What? You are; I bet growing up your brother had to chase off a lot of people." Demi chuckled now.

"No not really. I stayed inside all the time. Reading books, playing video games. The usual teenage experience." I responded.

"Damn, busy busy I see." Demi laughed.

"Don't make fun of me. I hated people my age back then. Especially since I was constantly harassed at school for coming out to like- three people telling them I like girls. Somehow the whole school found out though. I remember begging my mom to let me stay home." I mumbled.

More silence. It was long silence this time.

"Can I try something?" Demi asked.

"As long as it doesn't involve more questions about high school then I don't care." I laughed.

Very slowly she turned me around to face her. It was the kind of slow that made me aware of how nervous she's been. She seemed so calm other than her heart racing. I didn't think a whole lot of it after she told me why. I was starting to feel nervous again as well. I couldn't tell what was happening and all I could think of is what I wanted to happen.

"Are you sure?" Demi asked with me fully facing her.

I could only nod as our stare became intense in each other's eyes. We were both frozen in time it seemed. The world melted around us and all I could hear was Demi's breathing. Her hands slowly snaked around my waist and I inhaled sharply. She froze and I just nodded slightly and she kept going.

I felt her hands go under my shirt and up my back. I wanted to kiss her, but she looked like she was contemplating a lot right now so I didn't move. I felt her arms pull me closer so I allowed it to happen, wiggling a bit so I was more on her lap. I noticed the corner of her lips tug up for a second then it was back to the focused and nervous look.

We were inches apart but it felt like miles with how slow she was going. Then she froze again. I was about to give up and get off of her since she didn't seem like she wanted to but right before I could she pulled me forward and connected my lips with hers. It was gentle but I felt so many emotions in it. Longing, passion, relief, most of all, love.

Neither of us pulled away. If anything we pulled closer until there was no room left between our bodies. I pulled away only a second to breathe and I instantly reconnected my lips to hers. I felt her hands travel up my back and up to my bra clasp. I wasn't ready for that and only grabbed her arms and moved them down without disconnecting our lips.  

Then Demi pulled away. "I- I honestly wasn't expecting that to end so well." She laughed.

"I didn't think that was what you were doing. I was so convinced that you didn't like me or any woman for that matter." I breathed.

"I didn't know how to tell anyone." She admitted.

"We don't have to tell anyone about this. I won't even tell Allie even though you don't know her." I reassured.

"No, I want you to be able to tell whoever you want." She said.

"So." I started. "What is there to tell? About us I mean" I said pointing between her and I.

"Well." She paused. "How about we say that we're just dating. There are no labels yet. I don't want to rush into anything. We have plenty of time to figure this out."

I nodded and hugged her. "Is it too early to say I love you?" I asked into her shoulder.

I felt her chuckle. "No, because I've been waiting a long time to say that to you."

I laughed and hugged her tighter. I haven't felt this happy in a long time and I didn't want it to end. We decided to finish the movie and I ended up falling asleep. I felt the weight shift under me at some point and just clung to the person's shirt until they stopped moving again.

This is the best.

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