Chapter~ 4

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"There's no other way for me to tell you this, Ms. Gutierrez, but the mass we found. It's cancer." The doctor, Dr. King, said with a grim look on her face. I don't remember how I got here. I just know that mom is here, and dad, and... Dom.

"Can't you look again? I- I leave for college in a month. I can't have cancer. I'm perfectly healthy and no one in our family has ever had it." I began crying. I can't tell if this is a cruel dream or just a painful reality.

"I know ma'am, but cancer is much more complex than health and genetics. It's something we're still trying to find in early stages so we can find out how a person gets it." She replied with that same grim look.

I couldn't help but ask. "Am- am I gonna die?"

"Y/N!" My mother cried.

"Mom they're thinking realistically. You can't yell at them for that. Give it time to sink in." Dom, at least I think it's him. Everything is so loud yet so quiet.

I blink and I'm in a hospital bed hooked to so many different things that I don't know the use of other than the heart monitor. Dom is the only one with me. No, someone else is in the corner of the room. I can't make out who it is though.

"I'm not trying out." Dom sighed.

I tried to speak but the words are shoved down my throat. We've had this conversation before  but it ended differently. I told him to do it anyways. Even though I'm sick. Even though I'm a burden on him and the rest of the people I care about.

I blink again and I'm in the room with my doctor again. Why is she sad? Where's mom and dad and Dom? Why can't I move or speak?

"We can't do anything more. I'm sorry." That's the last thing I hear before everything goes black

I wake up and I'm on the couch and Demi has her hands on my shoulders.

"I beat it. I don't have it anymore. Please tell me it's over." I stutter as I begin to cry hysterically. "Please I can't do it again."

"Shh, hun you're having a panic attack." Demi cooed.

"Is it gone!?" I scream.

"It's gone, it's gone I promise. It's over, you're safe in your dorm." She whispers as she hugs me tight.

I cry more; I can't tell if it's out of relief or still fear from my dream. Was it a dream? It had to be. Dom was in WWE. He was in Judgment Day with Demi and Damian and Finn. I didn't really know the other two but I know I've met them once or twice.

"I have Allie on the phone, you wanna talk to her?" Dom said from behind Demi with my phone.

I shook my head and just leaned into Demi's embrace. I needed to be physically grounded not verbally like Allie always did over the phone. I know she tries but she wasn't there at all when I had cancer. She didn't know how painful it was. She didn't see the pain in my family's eyes when I was told I have it. Nor was she there when I got to ring the bell. She didn't see the tears. Good or bad.

Dom and Demi knew though. They were around the whole time. Especially Dom; he wouldn't leave my side and missed out on sleep so he could see me as much as possible in case I didn't make it through treatment.

"Wanna cuddle on the couch and eat your burger?" Demi asked.

I blushed a little and nodded.

"What? So I see you how often, and you don't cuddle with me when I get my ass beat, and Y/N has a bad dream and they can cuddle with you? That's not fair!" Dominik huffed.

"She just loves me more. I am the favorite out of the two of us." I smiled.

"Yep." Demi agreed.

So we all huddled onto the couch. Turned on a movie and ate our dinner. It was "Scream". The first one obviously because it's the best. Dom was on one side of the couch while Demi and I were on the other. I had calmed down quite a bit and I was just a little shaky against Demi.

I never realized how muscular she was until now. I had a perfect feel of everything the way I was sitting. Even though I worked out a bit; mainly my legs; hers were more toned. The arm she had around me felt comforting and threatening at the same time and it turned me on a bit. He torso was the most I felt since I was leaning completely on her.

I heard someone clear their throat and looked over to the sound. Dom was looking at me with a smirk.

"What?" I asked a little too nervously.

"You gonna pay more attention to the movie?" He teased.

"Shut up-" I hissed.

"Calm down." He laughed.

I felt Demi's arm tighten around me and I let out a small breath. I felt ways I hadn't felt before and nothing was really happening. Demi was probably having a natural reaction to something. Maybe she didn't hear Dom at all. Hopefully she didn't; I would kill him.

"You tired at all, Y/N?" Demi breathed.

Her voice so close sent shivers down my spine. I was all of a sudden very aware of our closeness and didn't want it to ever end. "No, I'm good. Not tired at all."

"Cold? You shivered." She whispered.

Damn that voice. I couldn't say anything without Dom dying of laughter and just shook my head trying my best to focus on the movie. I heard Dom chuckle nonetheless and mentally screamed. This was definitely a #1 cock-block moment for him and I currently hated him for it. Not that anything would happen anyway it's just weird being horny with your brother three feet away from you.

"Well I'm beat, I'm going to bed. Spare bedroom right Y/N?" Dom asked while he stretched.

"Yeah down the hall to the left." I murmured while glaring lasers into his face.

"Alright, night you crazy kids." Then he was gone.

My mind was spinning. Demi and I are alone. In my living room. With no Dominik. Just us.

"Guess we're alone now, huh?" Demi whispered.

Fuck this is gonna be a very long weekend. Let alone two months.


Alright I wanna point some things out really quick. I am going to be using Dominik and Rhea's actual names for my story unless they are at work or are seen by random people. Rhea Ripley, or, Demi Bennett, are the same person. Dominik Mysterio, or Dominik Gutierrez, are the same person. If you already knew this you didn't have to read this I just wanted to put this here for anybody who was confused.

Why her | Rhea RipleyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang