"Wait, wait, any of us?" Ethan asked.

"Yeah." Mindy confirmed.

"Is-am-am I in the friend group?" Ethan asked again.

"Yeah." Mindy nodded.

"Am I, like, one of the targets?" Ethan questioned, McKenna narrowing her eyes at the boy.

"Mm-hmm." Mindy hummed.

"Am I gonna die a virgin?" Ethan asked, causing everyone to look at him strangely.

"Ethan, time to shut your mouth." McKenna said, placing her hand over his mouth.

"That was a weird overshare." Mindy laughed.

"But probably." McKenna added on, pulling her hand away from Ethan's mouth.

"Thanks, Ken." Ethan muttered sarcastically, crossing his arms.

"But it brings us to our current suspects: Ethan." Mindy continued, walking up to Ethan. "The shy, dorky guy who no one suspects because he's so shy and dorky."

"Okay, w-why am I on the suspect list? Because I'm randomly Chad's roommate?" Ethan asked, pointing over at Chad.

"Roommate lotteries can be juked. You could have fixed it to get next to us." Mindy told him, he rolled his eyes, looking away as Mindy turned to the next suspect. "Quinn. The slutty roommate. A horror movie..." Mindy smacks her lips. "Classic."

"Sex positive, but... Thank you?" Quinn said, but it came out more like a question.

"Mm-hmm. Um, how did you come to live with Sam and Tara?" Mindy asked.

"I answered their ad online." Quinn answered, looking over at Sam, who nodded.

"Okay, say no more. You've already implicated yourself enough." Mindy stated.

"It was an anonymous ad, Mindy. And you know we vetted her. Plus, her dad is a cop." Tara defended.

"Never trust the daughter of a cop in these situations." McKenna said, Mindy pointing at her in agreement.

"Thank you, Kenna. That makes it more likely that she's the killer, because having a cop dad is a great cover. Do you not remember how these movies work, Tara!?" Mindy exclaimed.

Quinn looked over at Sam. "Is she always like this?"

Sam just nodded.

"And finally... Anika." Mindy walked over to her girlfriend, who blew her a kiss, Mindy doing the same. "Never trust the love interest." Mindy said, her face dead serious, causing Anika's smile to drop.

"Okay! So, we have our rules, and we have our suspects." Sam said, leaning forward.

"But wait. What about you guys?" Ethan asked.

"I mean, I think it's pretty safe to rule out the five of us who went through this last year in Woodsboro." Mindy crossed her arms.

Chad pointed his pencil at his twin. "Agreed."

"Um, not agreed. What if the trauma you all went through caused one or more of you to snap?" Quinn asked.

McKenna gasped dramatically at that. "Oh, no! Sorry guys, Quinn caught me, I'm one of the killers. Shoot me in the head!" She said sarcastically, standing up and putting her hands above her head.

"Sit down, McKenna." Tara muttered, pulling the girl back down between her and Ethan.

"Yeah, or the fame you got from the killings made you thirst for more." Ethan started. "I mean, let's be honest here, some of the theories online about Sam are--"

Tara cut him off. "Don't you fucking dare."

Ethan raised his brows, looking away from her.

"Okay, she's right, though. I mean, face facts-- if we're all suspects, you're all suspects." Anika said, motioning between everyone.

"Yeah, and jeez, McKenna Macher really does seem like the type of person to be a killer." Quinn added on.

"Okay, alright, Quinn Bailey, sure, go ahead and try to blame it on me. You're probably the killer and just using me being Stu's daughter as cover to get everyone off your ass." McKenna shot back at her.

"Come on, we know McKenna, she wouldn't do anything to hurt us." Chad added on.

McKenna rolled her eyes, standing up and walking away. Her being Macher's daughter doesn't mean she's the fucking killer, God. McKenna walked inside a building, going into the bathroom, which was empty. She turned on the water and splashed her face before looking up and jumping when she saw who was in the mirror as well.

"Hello, mini me." Stu grinned.

"Fuck off, Dad." McKenna grumbled, whipping her face with paper towels.

"Why do you let them push you around like that? Why do you let them harass you about being my daughter?" Stu questioned.

"They don't harass me, Quinn, Anika, and Ethan are just being cautious, like the rest of us are. So, yeah, they have every right to think that I could be one of the killers, seeing how I'm related to you." McKenna stated.

"Well, on that note, then shouldn't they be harassing Sam as well? I mean, she is Billy's daughter after all." Stu told her.

"Sam has been..." McKenna trailed off when the bathroom door opened, an older lady walking in, she went to the furthest stall. Once McKenna knew that she was okay, she continued with her talk. "Sam has been through a lot, and it's not any better now that the rumors online are all blaming her for killing Richie."

"But she did kill Richie." Stu noted, tilting his head in confusion.

"Yes, but..." McKenna sighed. "They think she planned the whole thing."

"But she didn't."

"Gosh, Dad, you're stating the obvious." McKenna rolled her eyes. "Look, I've got to go, alright? I'm done talking to you." She said, walking away from the mirror.

"Bye, McKenna." Stu called after her, she flipped him off, even though she knew he wasn't really there.


𝐵𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑏𝑒𝑟//𝐸𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛 𝐿𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑟𝑦Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora