i got you baby...1

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Jeon jungkooki Most successful  business womenIn the world 

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Jeon jungkooki
Most successful  business women
In the world  ...she has her own
Hotel, hospital chains  and she is
The owner of most successful 
Fashion  Industry jeon fashion 
Stay with her family  and Love them
To no end cute ,bubbly  only
Infront of them for outside  world
She is cold ,Rude arrogant  who
Doesn't  tolaret a single  mistake  in
Work...work is her passion  ...
It was Friday  night a girl in her
20s coming  back from  an thriling
Day at work she was driving 
Trough  an silent road as it's already
Passed midnight  the rood is totally
Empty...and it's non other  then
Our heroine  jeon jungkooki...
Jk: God I m so dead Today  mom Is
Gonna kill me Today...she said
Driving  Fastly  as she can as she
Is already  very late...

Suddenly  a car pass Trough  her
In full speed  almost  hitting  her
Car ...kook quickly  pressed  the
Break  with an jark ...

Jk: funking  basterd...she said 
She started  her car again  driving
Towards  her home...after reaching
A little  distance  she saw a limp
Or a person  lying  on the road
Almost  lifeless...

Jk: God again  another  jark laying
On the road being  drunk  I don't 
Understand  why do they drink
If they can't  handle  it ...she said
Stopping the car and came  out

Jk: hey you drunker  move from
The road idiot  if you wanna die ..
Die somewhere  else  not Infront  of
My car...she roward  in anger...
But the person  didn't  move making
Kook angrier...she stop Towards
The person  but as she move closer
She gasped  looking  at the person
Shoked  she is completely  neck
Only in a pair of boxers...buries
Are everywhere  on her body 
Looking  like someone  has torchard
Her very badly...

Jk: oh god hey are you OK ..can you
Here me ...she said  tapping  her
Check  softly...still no response...
God need to take her hospital 
Immediately...kook quickly  lift her
Up in her arms  and surprisingly
She is very  light....kook quickly  put
Her inside  the car and droved 
Towards  nearby  hospital  quickly

And called  the doctor  ...The doctor
Quickly  took her in the emergency
Ward for her treatment...
Kook Singh and sat down  looking
At the door  she is quite  worried
For the girl  as she is in very bad
Condition...why was the laying on
The road ,what happened  to her
She is confused...when Suddenly
Her phone rings and it's her mom

Jk: shit...she looked  at the watch
Wich shows 3:30am in the morning
I'm gone today...she wishper and
Ricived  the call ...
Hello  Maa...she said  nervously

Mrs jeon: jeon jungkooki...her
Mom scremd  on the phone making
Her move the pH little  far from 
Her ears...

Jk: mom...my ears...she said  winning

Mrs jeon: what mom ha do you even
Have any idea  what time is it
Where the fuck are you...

Jk: Singh...mom I m at hospital...
Before  she could  finish  her word
Mrs jeon  bomber her with questions

Mrs : hospital  ...why are you at
Hospital  what happened  to  you
Ha what are you hiding  ..honey
Honey  come here right  now we
Need to leave  ...

Jk: mom ..mom listen  to me I'm
Perfectly  fine nothing  happened 
To me I m here for someone else..

Mrs jeon: someone else who...she
Said  now in relaxed  tone...kook
Explain  everything  what happened
You did good  kookie  we proud  of
Bunny...she said  making  kook
Smaile..OK you stay there  with
Her we will Meet you tomorrow hm

Jk : OK mom take rest now OK
Good night...

Mrs jeon: Goodnight  bun and you
Take care too bye...with that's she
Cutt the call...

That's when DC came out of the
Doc: who is with the paitaint

Kook quickly  stood up and went
Towards  the  doc...

Jk: I'm with her doc is she OK...

Doc: please  come with me ...I need
To Discuss  something  with you
Miss...kook nobbed  and follow
The doc to her  Cabin...

Jk: yes doc is there  something 
Serious..is she OK...kook asked

Doc: look miss I will go straight  to
The point  but first  I need to know
Who are you to the paitaint...

Jk: ah I m her close friend..kook
Lied as she doesn't  know  why but
She did...

Doc: look miss I going  straight  to
The point  ...The paitaint  is
Molested...making  kook shoked
But somewhere  kook gess that
What must have happened...
And the paitaint  is very badly
Abused...why I'm Calling  Molested
Not r**ed because  she have mens
Body part as it was common  in
Ladies  now days  because  of some
Generic  esues...

And there is tress  of force full
Intimation  or In other  word
Someone  ...

Jk: someone  has forced  upon her
The doc nobbed  in agreement

Doc: her intimate  parts are
Damaged  very badly  and have
Buries ....I would  tell you to
Handle  her very carefully  as it
Can effect  her badly  we have
To handle  this softly...she is not
Concise  yet so we can't  say how
Her mental  state  will be so be
Prepare  for everything  and I
Will advise  you  to be patient  with
Her ...

Jk: I understand  doc ...can I know
When she will gain  Concise...

Doc: we have gave her some 
Injection  for the pain so she will
Sleep  for now hopefully  she
Will get her Concise  tomorrow
Kook nobbed  and move out from
The Cabin...in Deep thoughts

Next cp..
:leave  me please  leave  me...

taekook  smuts...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora