During their next public appearance Rain began putting Sky's advice to use. He begins by taking Phayu's hand as they walk to the carriage that will take them to a ball given by a local nobleman. Phayu looks at him in surprise but Rain just smiles sweetly up at him. During the ball they are required to lead the first dance. Rain doesn't miss the chance to press close to Phayu, who frowns at him and puts space between them. "Rain." Phayu says warningly, but Rain just gives him his most innocent look.  

The next day Phayu has a full day of meetings. Ple bribes one of the maids to find out when the prince will have a break and Rain brings him cakes and tea.

"What's this?" Phayu asks him.

"I know you haven't had time for lunch so I thought I could bring <i>my husband</i> something." Rain says, pouring Phayu a cup of tea and picking out a prettily decorated cake for him.

In an effort to find out more about the prince, Rain has started following him around in his free time. Mostly he goes to meetings, or goes to his friend Pai's house for drinks. Rain has come to know Pai pretty well because he sometimes comes around to talk to Sky. Although Sky tries to ignore Pai, Rain has seen him look tenderly and smile when he knows Pai isn't looking. Sig even shows Rain a wardrobe he can hide in the meeting room.

It's the dust that gives Rain away. He can't suppress a sneeze. It's a very quiet sneeze and no one in the room reacts so Rain thinks he wasn't overheard, until the diplomats that Phayu is meeting with leave. "You might as well come out, little one."

Rain sheepishly comes out of his hiding place.

"I don't remember inviting you to this meeting? Why are you here, Rain?" Phayu looks stern but not particularly angry.

Rain decides he has had enough of being subtle. "Prince Phayu we are married, I think we should at least spend time together and get to know each other."

Phayu raises an eyebrow at this, "By hiding in a wardrobe?"

Rain blushes, "I just wanted to see what my husband does all day." He crosses his arms and pouts, this always worked when Noeul was mad at him.

Phayu sighs, "If I promise to have dinner with you in your quarters will you promise not to sneak in here again? If the wrong person found out it could go very badly. The prince consort isn't allowed to attend diplomatic meetings without being invited."

Rain nods and smiles at this little triumph.

Sig throws up his hands in disgust. Almost every outfit that Rain owns and at least half of the ones that Noeul left behind (Rain had packed these along with his own clothes) are laid across the bed.

"Why don't you just greet him naked instead, that will accomplish your goal much faster and will cause a lot less mess." Sig says only half kidding.

Rain sulks at this. "Aren't you supposed to be good at picking out the right outfit for the right occasion? That's your entire job right?"

"I didn't expect operation husband seduction to be an occasion." Sig says as he and Por begin to put the rejected outfits away.

"What about this?" Sky brings over a small chest he has just found. Inside was a gift from Noeul. He had given it to Rain for his last birthday and it had been intended for Rain to wear after they had both come to court when Noeul became Prince consort.  That had been before Noeul had met Boss while on a diplomatic mission that involved a trade agreement between Boss's dukedom and which Noeul's family would provide ships for.

Rain had almost forgotten the gift, it was a fitted vest with a royal blue and silver leaf and vine pattern. When the six silver buttons were fastened it would accentuate Rain's waist beautifully. There was a billowy white shirt made of a thin material and a tight pair of black trousers. It was perfect. Por helped him dress and tied his hair at the nape of his neck with at black velvet ribbon. The three stand back to look over the finished project.

"Prince Phayu doesn't stand a chance." Sky assures him.

Rain waits nervously for Phayu to join him for dinner. He dismissed the servants after they laid the table and brought the food. He feels like his heart will stop when there is a soft knock on the door.

Rain opens it and gasps. Phayu is wearing a black shirt open at the neck and a simple pair of black pants. On him the outfit is sexy. Rain wonders for a minute who is seducing who here. "So handsome," Rain murmurs then blushes when he realizes he said it out loud.

Phayu raises an eyebrow at this, "thanks for the compliment. May I come in?"

"Oh," Rain says and moves aside for Phayu to enter.

Rain leads the way to the table, he serves Phayu several dishes before filling his own plate. He is surprised when Phayu holds out his fork to feed Rain. It makes Rain feel a little shy, especially when Phayu picks up the napkin and gently wipes Rain's lips.

Once they finish eating, Rain isn't sure what to do. He stares down shyly wondering how one initiated a seduction. He doesn't hear Phayu move behind him, but shivers when the Prince leans down and whispers in his ear, "You look good in this. Trying to seduce me, little one?" He runs a finger along the neckline of the vest.

Rain worked up all his courage and said, "Can't I seduce my own husband?"

Phayu chuckles and holds out his hand to Rain pulling him into his embrace, "You can." Phayu says kissing him.

Phayu smiles down at Rain sleeping in his arms. His fingers lightly trace the marks he had made on Rain's chest the previous night as he remembers fondly putting them there. Rain squirming, moaning as he had licked and bitten his way down his chest. Last night, before joining Rain for dinner, Phayu had decided he wouldn't hold back any longer. If Rain would have him then Rain would be his. He wouldn't let his fears keep them from happiness.

Rain stirred and stretched, grimacing at the pain he probably felt in his muscles. "Good morning, little one." Phayu says, kissing him on his forehead. Rain smiles up at him and it's almost too much for Phayu's heart, he bends down and kisses him properly on the mouth.

Rain pulled back after a few minutes, "You ignored me, I thought you didn't like me."

"Rain, I liked you from the moment you stood in front of me asking to take Noeul's place. Maybe more than like." Phayu says.

"Oh, I don't know what I felt at first. I was scared. Soon though all I could think about was you. Sky said I was being annoying and if I liked you that much I should go after you." Rain says thoughtfully.

Phayu thinks he will thank Sky later, maybe with a promotion.

"Sometimes you do things too slowly, Prince Phayu." Rain says as he pulls Phayu down for another kiss.


Second of 2 royalty fics written for Noeul's Birthday

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