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Alyssa p.o.v
I was sitting on my porch when Chris popped up

Chris: hey tater tot

Me: hey

He sat down next to me

Chris: what's wrong

Me: she keeps apologizing to me but she keeps doing me dirty

Chris: damn

Me: I blocked her but they still watching me

Chris: I told you they wasn't your friends from the beginning

Chris smacked his lips at me

Me: I know but i low key thought you was jealous when you said that

Chris: well both

Me: mhm

Chris: it's weird like why-

I looked over at him

Chris: what

Me: You wanna know what she told me

Chris: yeah

Me; she was only doing this to see if we actually liked each other and shit and she thought it was a game

I rolled my eyes

Chris: damn

Me: I know right

Chris: well fuck her and them they was fake anyway
End p.o.v

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