Part 2

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Two-Bit Matthews posted a status on his timeline: Someday I'll change my name to Nobody so when you change your profile picture I'll like it and it'll say: Nobody likes this.
167 people liked this

Steve Randle commented on Two-Bits post: I don't see the harm, you're already a nobody
324 people liked this

Two-Bit replied to Steve's comment: And you'll be nobody besides a dead body when I'm done with you!
Ponyboy Curtis liked this

Two-Bit replied to Steve's comment: Yay! Horseman to the rescue!
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Ponyboy replied to Steve's comment: I'm done being a horse/pony! I'm Poodleboy!

Steve replied to his comment: Get off my comment super-dope
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Ponyboy replied to Steve's comment: I'll get off your comment when you get outta my life #stevethebuzzkill #no1likesyou #ewwww
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Sodapop Curtis replied to Steve's comment: That awkward moment when your brother and best friend are fighting...
2k people liked this

Steve Randle replied to his comment: I will happily get out of your life and Soda wtf?! 2 thousands likes? What kind of drugs are you selling to get that famous?
169 people liked this

Ponyboy Curtis replied to Steve's comment: Bet you won't be happy anymore when I steal your girl
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Sodapop Curtis replied to Steve's comment: In case you forgot I'm so hot girls turn red around me from all the heat coming off of me
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Dally Winston replied to Steve's comment: That's called blushing Soda and why are 3k people encouraging this??
375 people liked this

Two-Bit replied to Steve's comment: Aye Steve would you like some ice for that 3rd degree burn that the horseman gave you?
672 people liked this

Steve replied to his comment: EVERYONE GET OFF MY COMMENT!!
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Darry posted a comment: How do you ground a horseman?
62 people liked this

Dally replied to Darry's comment: facebook not Google Darry... You make yourself look dumber than Soda
1k people liked this and Soda unliked this

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