1- apologies

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Lana's POV

I wrestled with the blonde boy on the floor, "Say it again!" I screamed, the bloodied boy looked at me, "You'll never be anything." He spat, I punched him square in the jaw before he could say anything else, "Dude, get off him!" Cyrus shouted, I stood up and spat on his face, "Bitch." I said, walking out the door of the party, Cyrus followed me out the door.

"Where are you going?" He asked me, "Home." I said, stomping down the street, "You're drunk I'm not letting you go." Cyrus sighed, "I'm fine!" I shouted, and he let go of my hand, "Ok, ok, um, head to the coffee shop I work at, I'll send you like 10 dollars to buy a cookie and some coffee." He patted my shoulder, I nodded and started walking down the road.

The bell to the coffee shop clinked when I opened the door, I spotted a brunette-looking boy at the front counter and a few other people who probably had early work days, it was 3 AM to be quite frank.

I stumbled my way to the front and grabbed my phone out of my pocket to see that Cyrus had sent me 7 dollars, "Hey~" I slurred, the cashier stared at me, "Hi" He waved, "Can, I get a coffee and a crunchy hard thing." He raised an eyebrow in confusion, "What?" He asked me, and I laughed.

I looked at the name tag, "Camille, could I please have a cookie?" I asked, Camille nodded and disappeared into the back without even charging me.

"Unprofessional," I muttered under my breath. As I walked to an empty table and sat on one of the two chairs, I stared out the window for a few minutes, waiting for my coffee.

"Hey?" I turned my head from the window to look at the source of the voice, "Hello~." The cashier stared at me, "You didn't pay." He said, I rolled my eyes and looked at him, "Can't you just give me the coffee?~" I asked. He shook his head firmly, "Sorry, it's company policy, you've got to pay." He said.

"Look, my friend works here and~" I paused to cough, "And I'm sure he'll pay tomorrow, so could I please have a coffee?~" I slurred, "Are you drunk?" He asked me, suddenly realizing from the tone of my voice, "No." I smiled, "Sorry, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." I stared at him, offended.

"Fuck you."


I love when I'm drunk and then the next morning I don't remember shit, but this morning was not one of those episodes, I remembered everything very vividly, from the fight to the coffee shop fiasco.

And god, I was beyond embarrassed, I laid on my bed embarrassed and honestly quite ashamed, I couldn't believe that I had done something so, so, so stupid.

"I'm going to apologize," I said to myself, getting up from my bed to get some breakfast and gather myself so I could go apologize to the poor cashier I practically insulted.

I walked downstairs, trying to avoid my sister. "The alcohol must've got to you." Luca's voice came from behind me, "just the person I wasn't looking for." I said as we continued to the kitchen together, "You beat the living shit out of that poor freshman." She said, sitting on a bar stool. I sighed, opening the cupboard. "Please don't remind me," I said, grabbing a box of cereal from the cupboard.

She laughed manically and left the kitchen. I couldn't help but roll my eyes, at my sister's antics, grabbing a bowl and some milk from the fridge, I poured the milk into the bowl and then cereal, I sat on the counter eating my cereal trying to forget the embarrassment of last night.

after a few minutes of basically trying to sink into the walls, I finally gathered enough assurance, that I couldn't fuck up more than I already had, I picked up my phone from next to me and dialed Cyrus' number.

"Well, well, isn't it the chaos-creating hooligan?" I took a deep breath, ignoring the jab, "You know the coffee shop you work a–"

"No, idea, it's not like I work there." He joked again, "Cyrus, this is serious." I said, trying not to sound too annoying, "OK, what's up my Bestie Westie." I cringed at the tone of his voice.

"I need your co-worker's number." I said, moving to the sink to put my dishes in it, "Which one?" He asked, "And why?" He pressed on, "None of your business." I said, "He was brunette-looking and was like a few inches shorter than me." I described the cashier I had seen last night, "That sounds like Luca," I sighed, "Do you have his number or not?" I asked, tired of my best friend's jokes,


"What?" I asked, confused by the random name drop, "Look, I don't care about some girl you're sleeping with could–"

"No, that's the mystery boy's name, and fine, I'll send you his number, weirdo." Before I could insult him back, he hung up on me, and a few seconds later, I got a message from Cyrus. Sure enough, it was the number I had been asking for.

A few minutes later, I sat on my bed, contemplating everything that could go wrong if I dialed the number, all I wanted to do was apologize for my arrogance last night, but I'm not exactly the best at apologizing, I stared at my phone one more time before grabbing, "Fuck it." I said, dialing the number.

"Hello?" A voice came through, "Umm, hi," I stumbled, not expecting an answer that quickly, "I'm sorry, who is this." Remembering I hadn't exactly introduced myself last night, "I'm the umm drunk customer from last night..." I said quieter, at the end.

"Oh, you, to be honest, I haven't ever had such a bitchy customer before." I scowled, "I called you to apologize not for you to insult me." He laughed, completely disregarding what I just said, "You must have been drunk?" I felt myself get more mad, "Who the fuck do you think you are?" I asked, not liking how he was acting, "Arrogant bastard." I said ending the phone call before he could say anything else.

This was why I hated apologizing. People took my apologies as a sign to be absolute jerks.


Not me changing how they met, tbh This feels nicer.

Confessions Of A Teenage Party Animal (Editing.)Where stories live. Discover now