Chapter 7 Respect

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(Isabel's POV)

Arriving at school, the first thing I did was take a deep breath in. 

If the smell of lavender and mint was around, then that meant she was already here. We both took a moment, but there was nothing.

"You want to wait out here?" I asked Isaiah.

We looked up at the gloomy sky and both shook our heads. We hadn't even gotten into the school, when like a light switch, it started pouring.

One second it was sunny and beautiful and the next, dark and pouring down rain.

As time passed, we realized, that she wasn't coming.

"Why isn't she here?" Isaiah asked me.

I shrugged my shoulders and crossed my arms in front of me.

What was going on? Had something happened to her yesterday, after we left?

Why wasn't she here? Was she hurt? Is she sick? Did she not want to see us?

"Isabel!" I heard someone call out.

I turned around and saw Breena, one of my many conversions

Breena was the girl that every guy wanted to be with. She was the typical good girl that got good grades, who listened to her parents, and never got in trouble with the teachers. She was the definition of good girl. Never tried alcohol or did drugs, let alone had sex.

That is, until she met me. I had been with many girls in my long, long life, but Breena, Breena was my biggest regret. Because of me, she went from being a potential of having the perfect American Dream, to being a complete train wreck.

She was now known as the slut, that would fuck a cactus, if it called her pretty names. I waited for her to say something, but she just smiled and seemed to stumble off.

"Hey, she made her decision, it's not your fault" I heard my brothers voice from behind me.

I looked up and saw compassion in his eyes.

"I know, but how can people treat her like a sex object and love me, when I'm the one who made her that way?" I asked him.

Isaiah opened his mouth, then closed it. Instead of speaking, he just wrapped his long arm around me and we turned to enter the school.

As time passed, I realized that Ava hadn't arrived.

It wasn't until the bell rang, that I got up and walked up to Mr. Tang's desk.

"Finally on time, Miss Harrter?" He asked, smiling at me.

"Where is Ava?" I asked, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Your beloved, is not coming today. She called in sick" he said, looking down at his papers.

"Sick? Sick from what?" Isaiah asked me, as Tang looked down at his papers.

"I don't know. The office called down, just seconds before you came in" he said, still not looking up.

"Tang!" I snarled, slamming my hand in front of him.

Instantly, his head shot up and he gave us the respect, that we deserved.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I don't know, Marsha called down from the office and told me, she had called in. She didn't sound sick, but she's not coming." he said, looking between my brother and I.

I turned to look at Isaiah and we both knew what to do.

"Give us her address" my brother and I, said at the same time.

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