Chapter 33- Knight in Flying Armor

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"I missed you," he said softly.

"Me too," I said grinning.

Harry cleared his throat, ending the moment. Fred put me down and then walked over to Harry and gave him a hug.

George came out of the car next and gave me and Harry both hugs. He squeezed me tight, and it seemed like he didn't want to let go.

"Alright, time for our specialty," Fred said, walking over to the locked bedroom door with George. Fred pulled out a pin from his pocket and handed it to George, who began picking the lock. In less than thirty seconds, a click sounded and the door was unlocked. Fred and George turned back toward us and grinned.

"Come on Harry and y/n, get in!" Ron said from the car.

"But all my Hogwarts stuff—my wand—my broomstick—" Harry said panicky.

"Where is it?" Ron asked both of us.

"Locked in the cupboard under the stairs—" Harry replied.

"Y/n, what about you?" Fred asked from the doorframe.

"Bloody hell, I've left it at home. I need to go and get it," I said, pissed.

"So Harry—we'll get your trunk—you get anything from your room that you need and hand it out to Ron," George whispered. "I'll think of a plan for you y/n..."

"Ron, untie the rope from the bars," I said.

"What?" He asked.

"Untie them and then throw them into a window. Harry, once he does that I want you to tie the rope to your bed and I'll climb out the window and go to my house to get my stuff," I told them. Yes, it was a hassle when I could in fact use magic because Hikari was protecting me from the Ministry. But, I didn't want to use magic in front of anyone that knew it was prohibited, because then people could start ratting me out or becoming suspicious.

Ron undid the rope from the bars and they hit the ground with a loud clang! noise. He tossed the rope inside the room and then Harry grabbed it and tied it to his bed post. The bed I mostly slept in for the past few days since he was a gentleman and decided to take the floor. Once everything was secure, I told the boys what would happen when I got back.

"I'll be riding my broom back over. All I need you to do is be prepared to take my trunk so I can fly alongside the car easier. You got it?"

Everyone nodded.

I turned to the window and slowly looked down at the ground. I gulped, seeing that it was a little farther than I would've liked. It was only two stories high though. A fall would probably cause some scratches...maybe even broken bones. But, nothing a little magic couldn't fix! Hopefully...

I began to climb down and the three boys in the room went to the windowsill and all whisper-yelled, "Be careful y/n!"

I grinned half-heartedly and said, "I'll try."


After what seemed like forever, I was finally ready to go. I had my trunk packed with everything for Hogwarts. Sadly, I had no pet, but it was easier to carry everything. I secured my trunk onto the back of my broom and then walked into my backyard.

I called, "Up!" and the broom flew into my hand. I mounted it and then began to lift off from the ground. I grinned, it was thrilling to be flying again. I flew back over to Harry's house, which was thankfully right next door, and gave my trunk to Ron. He stuffed it in the back and I saw that it took up a seat's worth of space. Yikes. Thank Merlin I had taken my broom. I would've had to share half a seat with either Ron or Harry. Uncomfortable.

I was hovering near the car when I suddenly realized that I'd forgotten my mokeskin pouch! It had most of my money in it, and it was a necessity if I wanted to get school supplies for the coming year.

I zoomed back over to my house as fast as I could. I dashed up the stairs and found my pouch sitting on my nightstand. I quickly grabbed it then ran back outside and mounted my broom. As I was flying, I could make out a figure in between the car and the window.

My eyes widened. It was Harry! Vernon was trying to keep Harry from leaving, and the Weasley boys were pulling him to help him escape. I accelerated on my broom and quickly approached Harry.

Just as it seemed like Vernon was about to succeed, I zoomed over and kicked Vernon in the face. He gave a yelp of pain as he stumbled backwards into the room and released Harry's legs. The boys pulled Harry into the car and triumphantly cheered. Then, we raced off into the moonlight and towards the burrow.

Fred poked his head out the driver's seat window as I flew alongside the car. We made eye contact and grinned at each other.

"Thanks for rescuing us," I said, grateful.

"No problem. Happy to be your knight in shining armor. Or your white knight," Fred replied playfully.

"More like a knight in flying armor," I bantered back. We both laughed the whole way to the Burrow as we exchanged jokes and talked. 

A/n: Sorry, short chapter! I'm currently doing a thing now where I kind of base my chapters off of a chapter in the book, and this book chapter was really short. I also skipped the whole thing where Harry forgets Hedwig and Vernon wakes up and realizes what happens. But, since y/n is the main character and I'm not a big fan of switching POVs, it had to be cut. Sorry!

As always, thank you to everyone that reads this book!! Love you all!

Part of Your World| D.M., M.R., C.D., H.P., F.W., G.W., and N.L.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang