Chapter 17

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Fair warning, this chapter is like a load of self loathing, and if you're like me, you might hate reading it. So you've been warned.


She sat on the floor of her shower, watching blood mix with the water escaping down the drain. Paris's hero had fallen. She had fallen very publicly. If Chat had not been there to talk her down,  she would have killed Adrien's father. It had been all over the news when she got back, the headlines talking about the end of a reign of terror, some channels wondering if another was about to begin. As if she would be the next villan. After everything she had done for them. After years she had spent as their slave. She buried her face in her knees, more tears coming. Tiki hadn't spoken to her at all. Not that she had tried making conversation. She didn't know what to say. Her actions had been appalling. She was more of a monster than even Gabriel. She sobbed, clutching her legs tighter. She never should have been given a miraculous. Anyone else would have been better. Someone who wouldn't have resorted to murder. A knocking at the bathroom door made her jump, and she glanced up, expecting to see Tiki phase through the door, hoping. Tiki probably hated her.


Adrien. He had come home hours ago, and she hadn't been able to face him. She had heard him pacing up and down the halls, over and over and over again. He was upset because of her. His father never would have been found out. Wouldn't be in the hospital. All of this was her fault.

"I... I just wanted you to know that I didn't know."

His voice was off, as if he had been crying. Crying because of her, and her horrid actions. She'd never be able to look him in the eye again. She'd never be able to look anyone in the eye again. She was a monster. Everyone would be better off if she just disappeared. Her lungs burned from the effort it took not to sob, her next breath coming out as a choking sound.

"Are you okay?"

Was she okay? His father was in the hospital, because of her, and he was asking if she was okay? She didn't answer, closing her eyes. He would never forgive her if he knew. She sobbed then, and covered her mouth to stiffle her cries. There was another pause, the silence stretching on for what felt like years.

"I'm sorry."

His words broke her. He had nothing to apologize for. She was the one who should be apologizing on her hands and knees, begging for forgiveness. She heard him walk away, and she laid down on the shower floor, wishing she was the one in the hospital. She was a monster. One that should have been put down.

* * * * *

She pulled on her hoodie, not bothering to dry off. She deserved to be uncomfortable. She had stayed in the shower long after the water had gone cold, which she hadn't even known could happen in a rich person's home. She needed to go home. She didn't belong here in the same house as Adrien, not after attempting to murder the only parent he had left. She pulled on a pair of underwear, but that was all she could do. She stepped back into the bedroom, her steps faltering when she noticed a figure cloaked in black sitting on her bed, a bottle to their lips. Chat. Another person she couldn't bear to see. She had scared him. Even if her failure at a relationship with him had been the final straw, he wouldn't want her anymore. Not after knowing what she did, what she had become.

"Hey Princess."

She didn't respond, her eyes watering at the nickname. Would he still call her that if he knew? He slowly stood, his body swaying. He was at the very least, tipsy. She turned to look at his chest, trying to think of something to say. But she had nothing. She had literally held a sword to his throat. He sighed, leaning down and kissing her forehead. He froze halfway from pulling back, moving her hair to the side.

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