Run Away - Chapter 1

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(Húndàn= Jerk, f*cker)(Warnings, language, traumatic and violent themes, blood, violence)

I'm standing in a white room, shivering of fear. Watching dark silhouettes  of my parents walk away from me. They didn't even say goodbye. Not a single look.

Now I'm alone. A voice speaks to me through some sort of speaker. I can't understand it, its distorted and fuzzy. 

Before I know it, I'm on the floor, bruised and nauseous. Foot steps approach me, I'm grabbed.


"Excuse me, you've arrived." The coachman said, opening the carriage door. "Thank you sir, I'll be on my way." grabbing my stuff, I swiftly exited the carriage and waved off the coachman, the loud trotting of horses slowly fading into mere light taps. Here I am on Persephone, alone and no idea where I'm going. When I begin to walk I see tons of ships, ones from quaint to giant. Perhaps some of them will take me somewhere? Hell if I know where I'm going by the time I find one. I walk to the ships, I am then rapidly approached by a scruffy, scrawny man. "Hey! come on our ship we'll take you anywhere!" He babbled. "No thanks I'm not sure where I'm headed quite yet." The man didn't seem to pleased with my response. His face scrunched slightly, he grabbed my shoulder tightly, "Come on! Just pay and you can figure it out later. I'll show you around the ship." He began to drag me towards the ship. I pulled away, "I said I don't want to go on your ship, húdàn!" Turning my feet, dust kicked up and I promptly walked away.

While viewing the ships I come across a firefly, with a young looking woman uniquely dressed, smiling brightly. "Hey there! Where you headed?" She spoke. I stopped in my tracks, stopping to talk to her. "I'm not sure, I guess I just..." pausing, what do I want? I look up. I can see very slight glimmers of stars" I just want to see the stars." I answered quite detached seemingly. The woman smiled wider, "Well then you'll want to come with us! One last shuttle is open for anyone who can pay." Almost on cue, a man with brown hair accompanied by another on some sort of large dirt bike. "Kaylee, have we got any takers?" The joyful woman nodded. "Yes we do cap'n! We got a shepard, a doctor of sorts, a young man and perhaps them." She pointed to me. It was in that moment I made up my mind. "Yes, I'll be joining you if that's alright." The man's piercing blue eyes burned through me, his stoic face never changing. "That'd be just fine." I felt weight leave my body. And then I entered the ship.

Everything was loaded into the firefly. I couldn't help but notice a large man, bitterly glaring at me. "Jayne, stop intimidating the passengers." "Oh come on Mal, you have no idea what these people are up to. I want to make sure they don't try anything." His gruff voice was more quiet, like he was attempting to whisper. I pretended as if I didn't hear anything and kept it moving. 

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