Chapter one

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I sit in front of my mom's grave and I let the tears burning the back of my eyes to roll down, she deserves a better funeral, one where all her friends would be present to say their goodbyes not this, she didn't deserve to be buried in a place where I doubt we would ever be able to visit again.
Everyone else in our little group has paid their last respects to her and it's just me left. I searched for the right words to say, for the right way to say goodbye and no matter how much I rack my brain I can't seem to find better words to say, I finally open my mouth to speak.
"The world never deserved a kind heart like yours Mom, you sacrificed so much for us and now you are no more, I pray that your heart finally finds the rest it deserves, I hope that you are in a better place far away from this ruined world, a place that suits your heart. We will always remember you for all the sacrifices you made for us. Sleep well mom till we meet again". I pack a fistful of sand and throw it on her grave as more tears escape my eyes.
She was the last Adult left in our fight, i cry more knowing now the rest of us are nothing but children pushed into an adult fight and with the last of the adults gone we were totally on our own, I feel a presence behind me and I know it's Tommy my brother, I stand up and turn to meet his gaze, pain and another emotion I can't quite place are swimming in his green eyes and I all but run into his comforting arms and we stand there crying for all our losses, for mom, for Jane Tommy's girlfriend and for every other member of our crew we lost in this game of survival. Six months ago everything was okay, I lived in a bungalow pwith my brother and our Mom at the outskirts of our little city, I used to feel really safe there, I felt protected and never in my life did I think things would turn out this way, everything is different now, there are things out there hunting every living human down, I and the others refer to them as The Infected, and we think there is someone controlling them and giving them orders, they move in groups and are somewhat skilled with weapons.
For the six months they started existing all we've ever done is run, and we are still running, we've lost so much in this game of survival and the promise of tomorrow is what keeps us going, Mom was hoping we would run into a city or village with real people living in it, but for the past months we've ran into nothing but deserts, plains and The Infected, No humans and sometimes I think we are the only humans left. I finally break away from Tommy's comforting embrace, he tucks away a strand of hair behind my ears and whispers "everything will be fine Jamie, I'll protect you" I bite my lips hard enough to draw blood just so I won't burst out crying, Mom had said those same words to me some months back but now she's no more, I nod my head at him before moving to the huge bus we are using to travel through the empty deserts and cities, I head straight to my bunk ignoring the look my boyfriend Will and my friends gave me as I walk past them.
I've been drifting away from Will for sometime now, mainly because I'm scared I'd burn him to death just like i have done to everyone who has come across me, I have to put a stop to our relationship no matter how heart breaking it's going to be for me, I have to save him from me.
I lay down in my bunk and try to sleep even though I know it's a faraway call for me but I still pray earnestly in my mind that sleep would come so I can avoid this scorching pain of reality and for the first time my prayers were answered because minutes later I find myself drifting into a sleep I hoped would be dreamless.

Oh well.. here goes the first chapter of my first book, I know it's short I'll try to make the next chapter a little longer.
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