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00. " rainy day and two new friends "

it was pouring, pooooourrring!! pouring!

honestly, this was one of the most giant rain storms that has happened this year

it was around six-thirty pm when you got out of work, you worked in two pet shops, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, and then had the evening all to yourself

but the afternoon pet shop hours bled into your evening rest, which meant you had to stay a couple more hours because some brat threw a fit when he couldn't have the specific breed of dog he wanted and the mother wasn't much help either, threatening to call the cops on the pet shop because we had 'poor' customer service...

entitled people really are a pain...

you were stuck in traffic by seven pm and it lasted almost twenty-five minutes! you might have as well brought a pillow and blanket for a nap, and by the time traffic started to ease its way.. the storm had hit at first it was small droplets of rain, then it started to increase, and then finally a nice heavy water fall let down on gods stupid creation called earth

you liked the rain, it was nice and calming, when you weren't getting wet but one thing you didn't like about the rain was when you were driving!! you couldn't see a damn thing especially in the dark streets of tokyo! >:(

god knows if you accidentally hit someone but you wouldn't know! because it's dark as hell out here! even with the bright lights of the city that were being dimmed because of the heavy rain

maybe you would know if you hit someone? because you would obviously feel a bump? or a scream? or a- okay enough of that

you let out a breath when you finally saw your apartment complex

'bright lights tokyo apartment complex'

was the name of your fancy apartment complex, it was nice, spacious, and had a nice view of the city

and another plus was the strays that would walk around, some strays would let you pat them and feed them and others didn't like that all too much but it was still nice seeing them

though you wouldn't be staying for long, you were moving into a house soon. it was much closer to your jobs and it was known to have more strays around there, so that was a plus!

you parked your car near your building and turned off your car and just sat there for a little while, contemplating if you wanted to make a run for the stairs or just sleep in your car until the rain was over.. why? because you didn't bring an umbrella

raining cats and dogs !Where stories live. Discover now