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Aurora's POV-

its 9pm and I am starting to get ready for my shift at the club tonight, this will be my 5th shift here since I left the café down the street, the café just wasn't paying enough for me to cover expenses and rent so I applied for a job at the nightclub as a bartender and well here I am I guess. I took a quick shower and picked out my uniform, we have to wear a black tight skirt with tights and a white shirt tucked in, I quickly done my hair I curled it and put it half up and half done, quickly put my shoes on and grabbed my coat and left to go and start my shift.

it takes me 15 minutes to walk to the club, I mean I could get a taxi but why would I do that its a waste of money and we could all do with a bit of fresh air, I arrived at the club, I hung my jacket up in the back and went to the bar to start my shift.

"well well look who's here, I thought I was going to have to deal with all these drunk assholes myself" Sofia said while passing me a cloth to go clean a table up.

"Don't worry, I'm here to save the day" I said while we both laughed, I started making my way over to a table to clean up, I stacked up all of the glasses after wiping the table down and made my way back over to the bar but of course my clumsy ass wouldn't let me walk back without bumping into a stranger. I could hardly see who it was or make out his feature's but I had a feeling that he would be very good looking, he was wearing a black suit dressed very well so I guess from that he looks quite important.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry" I spat out. "watch where you're fucking going next time" he said with annoyance in his voice, before I could apologise again he fixed his suit and walked off to the VIP booths. "Asshole" I muttered under my breath while walking back to the bar to serve people.

4 hours into my shift I'm almost done, thank god. I got called over to take the VIP booths order for drinks, and I saw the guy I had bumped into. "what can I get yous tonight?" I asked politely " the men were telling me what they wanted and I was writing it down until it got to the guy I bumped into "and what could I get you, sir?" I asked very politely making eye contact with him "I'll take a rum and coke" he replied, I nodded and headed back to make their drinks and took them back over and handed them their drinks, one of the men blurted out " turn around and give us a little show, or you could come back home with me" my eyes widened in shock from what this 40 year old man has just said to me. I was about to reply before I got cut off. "you won't be taking her nowhere, you hear me" the man I bumped into said angrily, and the other man just nodded and started drinking and I quickly rushed back to the bar. I got lost in thought wondering who this man is and why did he stick up for me?

An hour later I got finished early I headed out the back door and quickly checked my phone until I heard loud voices and banging coming from the alley way next to me, my curiosity got the best of me so I started slowly walking over to the alley way and what I saw would change my life forever.

The man I bumped into was with a bunch of other men, holding a gun up to a mans head shouting "start fucking talking before I shoot you're fucking brains out" he shouted and the other man was pinned down to the floor " I'm not telling you shit!" he spat out, the guy pulled the trigger and shot him and I let out a loud scream and covered my mouth with my hands until they all turned around and saw me. the guy muttered "Fuck" under his breath and started walking towards me and I started trying to run until I felt large arms wrap round my waist and a cloth covering my mouth, all of a sudden I felt heavy and really tired then everything went black.

I woke up with a pounding sore head and I took in my surroundings I was in a massive bed in a random room, then my memory came back from last night that man killed him oh my god I need to get out of here. I quickly got out of the bed and before I could reach the door it opened and the guy from last night walked in, I started slowly walking back staring at him in fear. "Aurora is it?" he asked, " how do you know my name, who are you where am I?" I replied in utter fear. "you're safe, and I am Lorenzo Hernandez the most feared mafia boss" he answered my eyes widened " why am I here?" I stuttered out, "well Aurora you were a witness of what had happened last night and unfortunately I cannot have you just walking away after seeing that" he replied while walking closer to me, "so what are you going to kill me now?" I spat out, I could feel my whole body shaking in fear. "possibly, you're timing just wasn't right" I felt my eyes watering "you cant just kill me, I have a life! a job, I promise I wont tell anyone please just let me go" I shouted, but by his facial expressions I regret raising my voice. "Don't you dare raise you're fucking voice at me!" he shouted in my face while grabbing my wrist so tightly I could feel it bruising underneath his grip "you're not going anywhere, you must not leave this room until I give you permission so don't get any ideas to try escape because if you try it I'll put a bullet straight through you're head" he said angrily letting go of my wrist and walking out the room slamming the door behind him. I fell to the floor holding my wrist not being able to hold the tears back anymore, I looked at my wrist and it was covered in bruises.

I got back up and got back into the bed and I pulled the covers over my body, within 5 minutes I fell fast asleep.

Heyy guys! so what do we think? will Aurora try escape or does she? what do we think about Lorenzo? is he going to turn out to be a big softie! keep reading to find out,

thank you. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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