Overrated tropes in the ch fandom

Beginne am Anfang

Every single one of us have at least one come across a fic featuring one or more of these tropes, with all their glory and stuff. 

I don't need to explain further it's issues, anyone with any sense of good basic storytelling/character crafting know it's issues. And, also due to being to lazy to write this section, might come back later to write why.

Let's go straight to the possible solution(s):

 All of these traits can be actually in a good story, if the author knows what they are doing and fits these traits in the story in such a way that make sense for the character, let me give you some examples:

_"Everyone loves Philip.": In this one you can make Philip a Narcissist for example, maybe they have unnatural charisma(This one is particular can be used for some pretty good stories, even crack also :D), maybe it is some-sort of twisted parallel reality? Run wild as I said multiple times already with the possibilities!

_"The Harem": Make it crack or the same as the charisma thing as above. Or combine them, or just have Poly relationship, I prefer healthy poly relationships or crack. Or both. Heh.

_"Super duper secret superpower": I will admit to this one I am a bit guilty of in my own HC, but at least I tried giving it sense on why it's that way!
 How, about we do the same solution that I did:

A para-Economy, an underground state. One public one, and the hidden one behind the shadows. This alone adds so much more intrigue on the concept.

How, about a hidden alien civ?? So.Many.Possibilities.

You get what I mean. Have fun with this one!

_"Depressed..": Add logic behind it. That's it. Add a reason on the WHY Philip is depressed, not just because. There is so much colorful trauma you can add, that you can feed the entirety of all starving children in Africa that your mother keeps telling you about thRICE!

_"High Sc-": No. Simply no.

And let's not get into the Sunshine Harem, please. This will have it's special rice bowl of rants to be in, don't worry! :D


Rusame. Don't use the fucking Russian Federation you idiots.

You can use the fricking Russian Empire instead! At least these two have a lot more logic to be together.

This shitshow deserves it's own tired half-revelant, one-thousand times said critique of it.

If you want a Rusame critique you could go read other's, they are better than I could do tbh.


To be honest..how about we stop using overrated characters please..?

We have heard a thousand times the stories's of Philip, America, Poland, Germany..how about we change the narrative for once..?

I wanna we hear stories about Egypt, Latvia, Chile, Cyprus, Persia('Iran'), Mongolia, Greece, India. Not their ANCIENT histories.

So many POSSIBILITIES! We can talk about the events of the Ottoman Era for Egypt and the other Nations enslaved under the Ottoman zigo. Maybe the juntas during the 20th century that happened in all of these countries! The Islamic Revolution in Persia. The Soviet era Latvia.

The Minor Asia Catastrophe, which for you americans, happened at the same time with the Armenian genocide. I honestly want to write a fic exploring the present day consequences in the eyes of both Turkey and Greece and how it affected them.

I can't recommend it enough it enough that people study this event..it is simply heartbreaking..fuck the Big Powers.

The Invasion of Cyprus at 74, that shit fucked up the whole country. The Greek Hunta killed the then President of Cyprus and placed a puppet government...

We all know what was it's result.

I can't stress it enough. Not only big countries's story need to be told always, tell about the smaller countries.

Please, let's not forget history. Please.


Welp, that's it for now. I don't have anything else to add, besides the fact that all of us need to start reading more into history, for us, like me I admit that have not delved further into history of other nations, or even their own. I should seriously.

But, I will make sure my own country's history is head also.

Να εχέτε μία Καλη Μέρα..I will return with the next one eventually, cya.

CH Rants cuz idk what else to doWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt