Finally a new rant? Huh?

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I am finally back from the shadow realm. Finally :>

Now, you may wondering, "What is it this time, Pun?". Well, I just wanna talk about reader x countryhumans fics and a good amount of them: suck as much there is clientism in my country :)

So, the core issues of these are the following:

-Y/N is almost always a girl. Yeah, I do get the majority of people who make these are girls, but please remember Y/N is supposed to be genderless/up to what the reader's gender is, not what you decide. You could just make it OC x countryhumans if you want a girl lead.

-The protag a lot of the time is underage/or a young adult. Yeah, I get it. The vast majority of this community are teenagers/or young adults. But, think for a monent: Would it make sense(as much logic we can apply here) to ship a young adult to countries that are older than your grandparents?

I do have a solution for this problem and something that needs to be done more: How about we make the Y/N at the very least, maybe in their 40s, 50s or hell even older! It would be much more interesting to do a book like this in my opinion. Imagine the possibilities! 
   Like for example, maybe the reader is some long time employee under a intergovernmental respecitive organisation(ex. UN, WTO, etc.) and they happen one day to encounter a CH. Their reactions could be of anything, depending on that Y/N's personality in that book or how their beliefs are.
   Another one would be of an free spirit artist who haves travelled the world and knows a lot about different cultures and stuff. And maybe had seen glimspes of CHs before. One day they could encounter a CH randomly during one of their travels and just talk with them, getting to know them. Maybe that CH took a liking to the Y/N due to how passionate, knowledgable, etc. they are that's up to the Author of the book! And eventually they meet more and more, eventually maybe falling in love, or becoming best buddies!

And that's just two examples.

Final issue with this specific underage Y/N thing is this: Imagine yourself in that scenario:

One day you return from school as usual and then you encounter a few strange people in the road, and they have flags as faces. How would you react in that scenario? Approach and talk with them? Ignore and continue pretending it never happened? Make a scene? Or just start completating your life choices because you probably read smut of them and you are afraid of them finding out?

And then one of them apporaches you and says something along the line of: "OmG yoU aRe cUTe, DAtE mE uuwuwuw!!!11!", I bet you would run as fast as the expansion of the universe away from them in that moment unless you are that despare for love in your life and have nothing to look forward to, except being kidnapped by a CH. 

For me personally if I was in this situation I would freak out, and well my anxiety will be up like USA's debt and trillion Zimbabwe's dollar notes combined pumped full of red bull. I will either one: nope out of there. 2nd calm down, and maybe approach them to ask questions about things relating to politics n' history and how they viewed the situation due to me liking learn that stuff. I would also regret my life choices at the same time ya know guys.


-Why tf do sometimes countries spawn in the Y/N's house?? Like if you put it at least have it make some sense.

-Also, I have seen a lack(from what I have read at least) of Y/N being in the CH fandom themselves, like imagine you are reading a awesome ch fanfic, and then suddenly you see CHs just inside your house(renfrencing the complain from above). I bet you would immediately close the page before any of them see, like you do when you mother enters ya rooms whilst you guys are reading rusame smut #154345245. Or maybe you were not that lucky and they see the fic, then good luck explaining to them that, oh shit if it is smut especially how their reactions would be like, this adding an extra level of you possibly not waking up the next day. (Now, thinking of this scenario, I might do a fic like this because i said so. but it will be stricly platonic.)

That's it for now dear, Readers. I am too lazy to write more arguments or examples. Anyways,  chao!~

A/N: why do I always write these at night??

A/N#2: Grammar fixes.

CH Rants cuz idk what else to doHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin