Things Get Interesting

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So a few days had passed and Sam went to see Gary about his training matrix. "Hi Gary, Have you got some time to go over some stuff" Sam asked. "Yes sure thing mate come in". Gary replied.

Sam entered Gary's office and sat down opposite him. "Sorry about the smell, I stepped in a puddle and I'm drying my socks out" Gary expressed. Sam replied. "No worries" and smiled nervously. Sam looked down and noticed Gary's size 10 feet. Sam quickly looked up before Gary could see and looked at Gary. Sam had never seen feet like them. They were perfect. Gary's feet were smooth with the right amount of mature and his toes were plump and suckable.

Sam and Gary then continued with his training matrix. Gary continued to sign things off he was comfortable that he knew Sam had learnt. Under the table Gary had his legs crossed Sam could feel that Gary's foot was about 2 inches away from his leg. Sam could feel himself getting erect at the thought of Gary's foot gently caressing his penis. Next thing Sam knew Gary's foot touched his leg and Sam flinched and moved the chair back slightly. "Sorry mate" Gary expressed and continued to sign stuff off and Sam sat there bright red and looked around the room to detract himself from what has just happened.

Gary then finished up and sent Sam back to work. Luckily for Sam, his erection had gone and he went back to work.

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