murder #1.4

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"It's Madeline, Gunwook."

Hanbin answered the phone.

"Yes Madeline."

"Hello to you too Hanbin. Is Gunwook there too? You can put me on speaker if you want."

"Yes Gunwooks here and so are Ricky's friends."

Hanbin put his phone on speaker.

"Okay so we found out what happend to Ricky. You can come to the morgue. Ricky's friends can come too if they want."

"Okay Madeline, we'll be on the way." Hanbin replied and hung up.

"Do you guys wanna go or not?"

"Yes." Yujin replied.

"We can only take three of you unless someone else has a car."

"I'll take yujin with my car and drive behind you." Zhang Hao said.

"Sure let's go then shall we."

They all walked to the cars. Yujin and Zhang Hao in one car and Hanbin, Gunwook, Gyuvin and Matthew in the other. Hanbin went first and Zhang Hao drove after Hanbin.

When they arrived at the morgue all the boys got out of the car and they walked to the entrance.

Madeline saw Zhang Hao and Gunwook so she walked to them and introduced herself to the other boys. Then she guided everyone to where Ricky was.

"So what I found was a needle mark."

"Yeah I saw it back then too." Hanbin said .

"Well we found a kind of poison in his blood. The poison made him choke."

The boys stared in shock at Ricky. It was weird for them to see Ricky like this. All the fun memories and now seeing Ricky like this.. it was just horrible.

The boys didn't say anything and just stood on the side.

"Do you guys wanna say your last goodbye to Ricky?" Hanbin asked them.

"Yes please." They all answered at the same time.

Madeline, Hanbin and Gunwook left the room so they could have a little privacy.

"Who would do this kind of thing? He was so young.." Madeline asked them.

"We don't know yet. Their are no fingerprints. No sign of burglary. We know what they used to kill him now but there was no needle found at the crime scene."

"So there's no evidence? Not even camera footage?" Madeline asked Hanbin.

"No there was no one seen on the footage. They must've known where the camera's were."

"Damn they knew what they were doing then."

"Yeah they definitely did. But so far everyone had an alibi. So no suspects."

At that moment the boys came out of the room again.

They all bid their goodbyes to each other since it had been a long day for the boys.

Hanbin and Gunwook were about to go back to the police station when Zhang Hao spoke up.

"Hey Hanbin can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Yeah ofcourse, Gunwook you can go to the car already."

"So I know this may be a weird situation since we just came out of the morgue but can I take you out for coffee sometime?"

"Yeah.. yeah that would be nice Zhang Hao. I have your number right? So I'll text you. I have to go now though. Gunwooks always impatient ahahaha. So I'll see you soon then!"

Hanbin went to where the car was parked and got in.

"What did he want?" Gunwook asked Hanbin.

"A coffee date."

Hanbin blushed and smiled to himself.

Hanbins POV

Honestly I got really shy when Zhang Hao asked to get a coffee with me. Zhang Hao is pretty cute and I haven't been on a date in a long time so I hope it'll go well.

Wait is it even a date?

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