The Meet-Cute

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Kartik and Naira cross paths for the first time at a college party.

The bass thumped through the air, mingling with laughter and animated chatter as Kartik stepped into the pulsating heart of the college party. Multicolored lights danced across the room, illuminating the exuberant crowd swaying to the rhythm of the music. He scanned the room, searching for familiar faces, when his eyes locked onto a girl standing near the bar.

Naira, her long tresses cascading down her shoulders, was engaged in a lively conversation with her friends. Her smile was infectious, captivating everyone around her. Kartik couldn't tear his gaze away from her, struck by her effortless beauty and magnetic energy.

Summoning his courage, Kartik weaved through the throng of people, edging closer to where Naira stood. As he approached, a drink spilled from a nearby table, splattering onto his shirt. Cursing under his breath, Kartik's eyes met Naira's, and a hint of amusement flickered in her gaze.

"Oh no, sorry about that!" Naira exclaimed, stifling a laugh as she handed him a stack of napkins. "Here, let me help you clean that up."

Kartik accepted the napkins, feeling a rush of warmth at her kindness. "Thanks. I'm Kartik, by the way."

"Naira," she replied, flashing him a dazzling smile. "Nice to meet you, Kartik."

They fell into an easy conversation, their words flowing effortlessly amidst the boisterous atmosphere. They discovered shared interests, laughing at each other's jokes, and lost track of time as they delved deeper into their stories.

The music shifted to a slower tempo, and Naira's gaze drifted towards the dance floor. "I love this song," she said wistfully. "Would you like to dance?"

Kartik's heart skipped a beat. "Absolutely."

They moved towards the center of the room, their bodies swaying in sync with the romantic melody.

Kartik couldn't help but be mesmerized by the grace with which Naira moved, their steps intertwining effortlessly. It felt as if the world around them faded away, leaving only the two of them in a cocoon of shared energy.

As the song came to an end, they lingered on the dance floor, caught in the moment. Kartik looked deep into Naira's eyes, the connection between them palpable. It was a fleeting instant, but it held the promise of something extraordinary.

"I don't want this night to end," Kartik confessed, his voice barely above a whisper.

Naira's smile widened, mirroring the longing in his eyes. "Me neither."

And just like that, their paths converged, setting the stage for a journey neither of them could have anticipated. Little did they know that this meet-cute was just the beginning of an extraordinary love story waiting to unfold.

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