The bracelets

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He ran around the sofa engulfing you in a hug as you both stood there smiling tears of happiness threatening to the spill out your eyes.
As he finally let you go he looked at your features a bit closer your hair had gotten very long being half way down your back also noticing he was now taller than you but you were still tall around 5, 7.
You both kept looking at each other just taking in this moment until he finally broke the silence
"I can't believe your home I'm so happy"
"Me too those American girls made me miss England even more."
He laughed at that comment "what were they mean?"
"No they were just annoying."
But they were far more than that

"Oh look who it is"
I instantly knew what was bound to happen I should have gone the long way to class.
"Little miss British girl" some random girl with a patchy fake tan said with an annoying accent.
I turned to look at them "why don't you leave me alone I have to get to Maths"
I started to walk away but then the same girl grabbed my hair pulling me to the floor.
"Don't tell me what to do you little biatch."
The others started walking towards me and that's when I made a run for it. They were close behind me I could hear them and that's when I turned the corner.
Worst decision ever.
Dead end.
That's when my head connected with a locker and falling back down. I knew how this would end.
As they kicked me I slowly slipped out of consciousness.
I had woken up in medical with a big plaster on the side of my head and refusing to give there names I wouldn't give them any other reason to beat me up.

James didn't need to know that I was home now and that's all that mattered.
Once I had said hello to his mum and dad we went upstairs so I could see his room I mean it had been along time since I last did.
"Your room looks amazing it's changed a lot since I last saw it."
"Yeah I mean there's still a few things though."
You turned to look at him smiling as he smiled back he had also got braces.
He then looked at your wrist "you still have the bracelet?"
"Of course, do you not?" You asked suddenly worried he didn't want it anymore.
"I do it just doesn't fit anymore you know I've grown a lot?" And he pulled the bracelet out his pocket.
"I still carry it around with me everywhere."

Hey guys sorry it took so long to update I've been a big busy and I don't really like this chapter that much but please send in requests for different parts of the story it would really help me out <3

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