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Alex's pov:
I was exhausted it was 2am and I had just got off the plane hair in a messy bun and looking like i had a horrible hangover.
All I wanted to do was go home and sleep but I still had to get through security.
I had to stay at my grandmas while our new apartment was getting decorated there were only two of us we didn't need loads of space.
Only we were finally through security and out the airport waiting for our Uber i checked the time 2:37am at least I could sleep in tomorrow.
I looked at my lock screen it was a picture of James and I when we were 7 smiling while looking at eachother.

"James, Alex stop making silly faces and just smile!" My dad said getting impatient holding his phone at us trying to get a good photo. This sent James and I into a fit of giggles and we looked looked at eachother smiling 'SNAP' "oh thank god we got a good photo honey" my dad smiled at the photo he knew it would hold many memories.

I was now sat in the Uber with my AirPods in listening to everywhere by fleetwood Mac my favourite song of all times. As i slowly drifted to sleep.
I was awoken by my mum shaking me to get me to wake up to go into my grandmas I checked the time again it read 3:01am.
I got out the car and we pulled out our spare keys to my grandmas and going into are room that we're still needing to be decorated but atleast we had beds to get a good night sleep in tonight.

Everywhere, james earl of Wessex Where stories live. Discover now