Chapter 14 Meeting the Quileutes

Start from the beginning

Dad and I would go on walks in the wood, when he was off work. Carlisle is definatly my father. Not someone who looked mr in a cage. Dad and I would stop and look at different wild life. Him and I always picked flowers for mom. He even gave me a yellow flower to put in my hair.

Emmett is very competitive. He's my playful but protective brother. He brings out the child in me and Edward. When mom and dad are gone we always wrestle with each other. While Edward is look out. Or mind out. Rosalie doesn't care as long as Emmett doesn't get hurt. But one time Edward didnt catch them in time. Mom really gave it to us. But Emmett and I are really close. Everyone considers me the baby of the family. I imbrace it.

Rosalie. Well is Rosalie. Were sisters so we fight. Alot. She went to far one day and said "No wonder why your father left you in the cage all those years" and before anyone could react I pounced on her. It took Edward, Carlisle, and Emmett to pull me off of her.It wasnt really pretty. But dispite our differences, were on really good terms. Im not one to hold grudges....ish.

And last but not least is Edward. he is my big brother. A little mini me of Emmett. Him and I have a very brotherly, sisterly bond. When him and I have something on our mins. We head straight to the piano. He plays, while I sing. Edward ingraved my name on one side, and his one the other. Mom and dad always watch from the side lines with little smiles on there faces.

Im so happy we moved here. It's a new year. Definatly new experiences. I head two fast knocks on my door.

"Come in" I called. Emmetts large head came through the door.

"You coming to hunt with all of us? I'll race you" Emmett offered with a smirk. He knows I can't back down from a challenge.

"And I'll gladly beat you" I said to him.I flashed over to him and jumping on him in a surprise attack. We both fell to the floor with a loud thud. "Gotcha" I kissed his cheek. "Race you downstaris" Before he could say anything else I flashed downstairs. He was late by five seconds.

He narrowed his eyes at me "You cheated" He told me.

"Its not cheating if I warned you ahead of time."

"You are a wise old lady arn't you?"

I pouted. "Im not old im just--"

"Not new" Edward said cutting me off. I turned to him.

"Oh you hush"

"Alright childeren settle down. Stop picking on your little sister." Mom said with a smile on her face. Dad chuckled at our behavior.

"Yes childeren stop picking on me" I told my brothers.

"Emily, no picking on them either" Mom said sternly.


"No butts" She told me.

"Alright childeren lets go before you attack each other." Dad said smiling at us.

"Race you" Emmett and I looked at Edward. He smiled at us.

"You are so going to lose." Edward said. Rosalie placed a hand on Emmetts shoulder. I didn't even know she was there. She wa so quite.

The three of us were all racing. I was in the lead with Edward right on my heels. I followed the scent of deer and stopped when I saw them infront of me.

"Yes I won!" I cheered softly. I pounced on the biggest dear there. They ran away scatterd, but my family got them. I heared a twig snap next to me. I looked over to my left to see three huge wolves coming over growling. "Dad"  My family flashed by my side. Mom grabbed me and put me behind her. Like a mother lion protecting its cub. "Dad there shape shifters. People who turn into a wolf at will. There people." The three wolves looked shocked. They all looked at me. The alpha I persume went into the forest. When he came back he was in human form. He had small pants on. But his top was bare.

"This is our land. My name is Quil ATeara the second. You have no bussiness here" He said in a soft but commanding voice.

"My apologizes. We didnt relize it was your land. Im Carlise. This is my family. My wife Esme. My two sons Edward and Emmett, and my two daughters Rosalie and Emily. We mean no harm. In fact we do not kill humans. Animals as you can see. If you feel safer we could make a peace treaty" My father offered. Quil looked taken back. So did his followers.

"Maybe we could" Quil said. "How about we sperate our land with yours. There are rocks about a mile north. When you get to them you may not go past. Or you will start a war. Same for us. We will not pass them with out your permission." Dad seemed thoughtful and stuck out his hand. Quil took it and smiled. Who would've thought. Wolves and vampires making a peace treaty. Next someone is going to say that fairies are alive and attacking Washington. Oh god. Out of the corner of my eye Edward shook his head reading my thoughts. All of the wolves walked away. But they took one last look at me. Did they know I was werewolf?

I let out the breath I was holding. "Did anyone else find that creepy?" I asked out loud breaking the silence.

                                                      twelve years later 1948

I woke up to the smell of breakfeast in the air. Yum! Mom is such a good cook. I flashed to the kitchen. Everyone was there except Edward.

"Wheres Edward?" I asked voicing my thoughts.

"Hunting" They said at the same time. There were five soft taps at the front door.

"I'll get it mom" I said. I walked to the front door and opened. A very short women and a very tall man were at the door. They had two things in commen. They were vampires.

"Hi im Alice, and this is Jasper. Wich room is ours?" The girl named Alice said.

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