I've got you.-J.H

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I was excited to be going to the party. It was a chance for me to meet new people and forget about my troubles for a while. However, things didn't go as planned. As soon as I arrived, I noticed a creepy guy staring at me. I tried to ignore him and mingle with the other guests, but he wouldn't leave me alone.

I tried to be polite and make small talk, but he kept following me around, and his conversation was getting increasingly creepy. I knew I had to get out of there, but I didn't know anyone in this city except for my ex-boyfriend Jack. I hesitated to call him, but I knew he was the only person who could help me.

I took my phone out of my purse and dialled his number. It rang a few times before he answered. "Hey, what's up?" he asked.

"Jack, I need your help," I said, my voice trembling.

"What's wrong?" he asked, sounding concerned.

"There's this creepy guy at the party, and he won't leave me alone. I don't know what to do," I said, feeling embarrassed and helpless.

"Don't worry. Everything's going to be alright. Just tell me where you are, and I'll come and get you," he said.

I gave him the address, and he said he'd be there in fifteen minutes. I felt a sense of relief wash over me. I knew I could count on Jack to protect me. He was always there for me when I needed him.

While I waited for him, the creepy guy kept trying to talk to me. I felt trapped and scared. I wished I could disappear or make him go away. But then I saw Jack's car pull up outside, and I knew I was safe.

He walked into the party, looking tall and strong, and he made his way towards me. "It's alright... it's okay... I'm here now. I've got you," he said, putting his arm around me.

I felt safe and protected in his embrace. He led me out of the party, and we got into his car. As he drove me back to my apartment, he listened to me talk about what had happened at the party. He didn't judge me or make me feel silly for calling him. He just listened and offered his support.

When we arrived at my apartment, he walked me to my door and made sure I was okay before he left. I felt grateful to have him in my life. Even though we weren't together anymore, he still cared about me and wanted me to be safe.

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