In the entire sect, she was the only one there. It was really...


Lu Huaiyu tilted his head to look at her, obviously waiting for her to take the initiative to give him an explanation.

Ning Li sighed and sorted out her thoughts before speaking.

"Three years ago, when Master went to Lincheng to take a break, we had encountered each other."

At that time, she would go to the park every Saturday and Sunday to draw sketches for people. Mei Yanqing had unintentionally seen one of her drawings in someone else's hands and had specially set out to search for her.

However, when he arrived that day, Ning Li had already packed up and left.

Thus, for the next few days after that, Mei Yanqing went to that spot early in the morning to wait for her.

It was not until the next Saturday that he had finally found her.

That day, he sat by Ning Li's side and watched her draw the whole day.

In the evening, when Ning Li had decided to pack up and leave, he asked her a question.

"Would you like to learn to draw with me?"

And just like that, Ning Li had become Mei Yanqing's disciple. After becoming his disciple, she had discovered that she had three other senior sisters and brothers, and the youngest one was more than thirty years older than her. It had been too late for regrets.

Fang Qingyun recalled what had happened before and finally, it dawned on him.

"No wonder Teacher Yu is so close to you!"

How could his junior sister not have a good relationship with him?

Lu Huaiyu raised his eyebrows.

That's right.

No wonder Yu Pingchuan took such great care of Ning Li.

No wonder he had been so angry when he had found out that Ning Li and he were together.

No wonder...

He suddenly thought of something and let out a soft "Ah".

Some time ago, his grandfather mentioned that Elder Mei's temper had become especially bad these past few months, especially towards him.

At that time, he had even given him a little advice, but now that he thought about it...

Lu Huaiyu's fingers paused.

Ning Li looked over.

"Second Brother."

She looked at him and said seriously, "Master's temper is actually... quite good. It's just that he's a little too straightforward when he speaks. When we get to the hospital later, just listen to what he says and don't take any of it to heart."

Lu Huaiyu, "..."

The corners of his eyes twitched slightly when he remembered the chopped steamed chicken that Yu Pingchuan had dismembered previously.

Half an hour later, they arrived at the First Affiliated Hospital of Xijing University.

Ning Li and Lu Huaiyu got out of the car and walked in together.

Ning Li went straight to the inpatient department. It was obvious that she was very familiar with this place and this was not her first time here.

Lu Huaiyu was deep in thought.

"So, when Elder Mei suddenly went for a physical examination that day..."

Ning Li nodded.

"So, during the New Year, when you bought so many New Year gifts..."

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