Past the arrow loops and battlements, quarry flew. The guardsmen striding along the posts of the Cardamon Gatehouse were swarmed. They fluttered through the ancient masonry of the outer ward, to the keep of the castle, which loomed bold and magnificent.

They were collecting like flies, slapping and flapping against the glass with caws and screeches of rapture.

Seseh hurried to the double doors, for she was ushered there by no will of her own.

"Don't worry, I'll make this look good."

She heard the voice again.

She opened the doors.

"Where's my husband!" She heard herself. But her voice was different, slightly scratchier yet smoother. It was hers but mingled with her mistress's speech.

She felt the fury, falsely brought upon her as she marched through the halls.

Seseh stomped through the corridor toward the barracks for the guardsmen. Her golden crown, perched on her head, became tilted precariously. She almost resembled some menacing monster come to life - as fierce and seductive as a siren - not the regal queen people knew her to be. 

The guardsmen in the barracks slept soundly, awaiting their day shift and grueling duties. Some snored deep in their dreams, oblivious to the terrifying plight and cruel fury of their queen. 

Seseh's rage was fully directed at the metal-framed door. She violently pushed it open. If eyes could burn through metal, the entrance would have melted.

A guard was asleep on a chair next to the door. She kicked the leg out from under him and he fell back to the floor.

"Get up and wake the men."

"Right away, my lady!" He shook and hesitated. The guardsman didn't fully recognize Seseh's voice. He heard a deeper tone.

The guardsman stood up quick. He immediately fell into a deep bow.

"Your Highness." He rallied the men from their beds.

The whole room stood at attention and looked to their queen. 'Who was this woman?' they thought. 

The guardsmen squinted. Oh yes, it was Queen Seseh Diddymous, but her eyes, her stance. Everything seemed off.

"Where is my husband?" she demanded.

"The king is at Hilltop in Southern Mountain Range, my lady."

A guardsman in metal clothing spoke and bowed to her.

"It is long overdue that he return to me. Send out Draik and Tallik at once to fetch my king and son."

"We will send for them, my lady."

"Without haste, guardsmen."

Seseh stared out a nearby window at the Westerian border. The spirit inside her was stirring the pot and planting a seed of fear and rage. It frightened Seseh. She was hesitant for the spirit's plan. Yet, she knew it was time and she would let it happen. She was only a Thrall after all.

The queen was saddened she wouldn't see the men she loved ever again and frightened her world was turning upside down.

She knew the meeting at Hilltop was only scheduled for a Twelfth Night, and the king and prince were rarely late or broke promises. But sadly, this was all part of the plan.

Seseh emitted a loud, guttural growl, still looking out the window, birds clamoring around the lattice.

"You will not bring them home," she whispered sadly, and the guardsman she was talking to froze in fear, for he felt the cold air around Queen Seseh and worried for his life.

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