CHAPTER 4: Ender Samuell

Start from the beginning

When she tried to tell Dante what happened, she lost her breath a little each time and her memory faded more with each breath.

"Sister Elda?" Dante fell silent.

"Yes, Master?" Hilda replied.

"Who is Sister Elda?"

"Just a kindly old lady of the Elven Sisterhood. She brought Lisa in after marauders had destroyed her village when she was very young."

"That's what this Sister Elda told you?"


"I am going to pay our sister a little visit."

He turned from Hilda and began to walk away.

"Master Dante?" Hilda called out.


"Please be kind to Elda."

"I will."

In Dante's own way, he would.


The Winds shifted and changed, elegantly flowing around Valaria. They changed the shape of the world around her. Yet, evil remained. Among the shimmering Winds giving flow was Shadowman, a follower of the Nymph of the North made of mist and shadow.

Shadowman conformed to the elven witche's hand movements.

But the Shadows were only shadows, and he needed a thrall to conform to. He had a power, but it was one that needed a host. Her firey furnace withheld a clay persona yet, that was meant for her. Valaria had a plan and it didn't involve Shadowman. Although she would use him as much as she could.

Shadowman had tried again and again to manifest his power, riding through the mighty Winds yet failed each time. The Winds knew the shadow's heart. Valaria promised to help, but even with all her power she couldn't control the nature of the Winds.

For only a fool with a dark heart would want to ride them. Valaria was no fool yet, she had a dark heart. She was also not a priestess. She was not the Master. It was he who commanded the Winds. 

Her powers were more than enough to destroy and manipulate. That power could have been sufficient, yet her fear of becoming a nonentity urged her wanting more.

Her magic was dark and twisted, working with the Shadows. The Winds and Shadowman disappeared as Fala of the birdlands wandered into Valaria's lair.

Valaria was delighted to see Fala. She had found in her the perfect candidate for Shadowman. Valaria's eyes peered through every layer of Fala's being. She saw her muscle, saw her bone, saw her heart, and saw her soul.  She may have committed evil acts yet, within Fala was an innocent spirit and a kind, youthful heart. She could ride the Winds. Fala was in a state of self-loathing and felt being in Hilltop was pointless. She was easy to manipulate as Valaria convinced her to work with her in the North.

Valaria saw Fala as a means to her plan. Fala had requested ultimate power for a deed she committed against Hilltop's people.

"Is it done, Fala?" Valaria looked into her eyes.

Fala bowed her head, "It is done."

Valaria smiled.

"You planted the poisonous whisper as I commanded?"

"I have done as you said, my queen. Please grant me my boon."

"Ultimate power?" groaned Valaria.

"Yes, my queen. Please acquiesce to my request, my lady."

Valaria's smile faded to a cold frown.

"Are you aware that you have given up your life?"

"Yes, my queen. I am a part of your court, and your will."

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