Chapter 2 (Part 4)

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“I-…” Lisa wasn’t sure what to say. The day had been riddled with so many unexpected events that she couldn’t help but feel a bit lost. Her mind was overloading with too many things.

Jennie noticed the uncharacteristic lack of response. “Did something happen, Lis? Is something wrong? You’re acting kinda… not like yourself.” Her tone softened.

Lisa exhaled, sinking into her chair while massaging her forehead. “It’s been a very strange day,” she mumbled. “Look, I’m sorry for what I did, unnie,” she said, lifting her head to meet Jennie’s concerned gaze. “It’s not that I didn’t trust you. It’s just… my theory’s quite far-fetched. Seungwan unnie even said it’s crazy. And even though I still think it’s plausible, I don’t want to have to drag you into this unless really necessary.”

“Why not?”

“Because it’s personal and yet to be proven.”

“It’s always personal when it comes to Yongbak, Lisa. For the both of us.”

“I know but now it’s quadruple personal, unnie. There’s Oppa, you and the team, Rosie… even Jiyoon’s safety is at risk. I can’t think straight. For the first time in my life, I can’t think straight. What if my crazy theory’s right? What if Seungjin’s still out there? Watching us? Waiting to strike? What if Yongbak still supports his nephew after all?”


“Eleven years, unnie. It’s been that long and we still haven’t caught Yongbak. We still haven’t made him pay for what he did to Oppa. And it took me seven of those years to feel alive again, and that’s thanks to Rosie. If he were to take her away from me like he did Oppa, I’d-…”

“He won’t. No one will take anyone away from us again. And we’ll get him, Lisa. We’re closing in on him.”

“We’re always closing in on him and yet he managed to escape us every single time!” Lisa couldn’t help but raise her voice. “I’m fine with letting the special task force go after Yongbak for now but Seungjin’s mine. If he’s still out there then he’s mine.”

“He’s dead, Unnie.”

“Maybe. I’m not taking any chances, unnie.”

“Okay. I get it.”

Lisa calmed down. “I’m sorry for not talking to you first. But it’s not because I don’t trust you. I just don’t want to add unnecessary stuff to your already full plate. At least not until I get some supporting evidence.”

“Even if my plate as your captain is full, my plate as your friend or unnie will never be full, Lis. What else is bothering you? Why can’t you even think straight?”

Lisa shook her head. “Stuff. I’ll tell you everything once it’s sorted out.”

“What stuff? Rosie? Jiyoon?”


Jennie winced. “That’s a lot.”

“Yeah, kinda. Won’t affect my performance though, Captain. I guarantee that.”

“I know that. But it sure explains your behavior.” Jennie leaned back. “Then again, it’s not really that unfamiliar. This actually reminds me of the old you,” she said with a smile. “From a long time ago.”

“What are you talking about?”

“When your life wasn’t just about work or catching Yongbak. When you actually had other things on your mind, other priorities. You’re thawing, Lisa, back to your human form.”

“Thawing? What was I before then? Ice?”

Jennie nodded. “Rock hard, cold workaholic ice. Brr…” She shuddered teasingly.

Broken Cause [Book 2]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ