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Omniscient POV
7 years later

" 5 kids later and I still look good ! " Adult Asia smiled twirling in the mirror getting ready to go out with her sister.

" Mama !!!" She heard one of her kids yell and run towards her making her laugh....It's always something with her kids. 

" Can I go with you ?" Savion asked plopping down on the bed watching her mother out on her makeup.

" No baby , Mommy going where only the grown people can go." Asia responded kissing her cheek and going into her closet. 

" But I thought I was a big girl ?" The curious 10 year old asked making her mother shake her head.

" You are a big girl , Your My big girl. But your still my baby too and I wouldn't want anything happening to you." Asia explained sitting next to her on the bed and she nodded. 

" Aight help mommy decide. These shoes or these ?" Asia held up two different shoes for Savion to pick from. Savion sat with her nose tooted up and tapping her her face with her index finger. 

" Neither one." a 7 year old Nehemiah stated and asia turned her head seeing her 2 sons standing at the door mugging.

Nehemiah was the middle child and a very sweet child. He followed around Sameir with everything he does. He looks up to his daddy and his brother like role models and will be down for them always. 

" why not stink ? they not cute shoes ?" Asia asked confused. 

" no ,  you need to stay here !" Sameir stated mugging his mother and her outfit. Asia face palmer herself before she looked at both of her sons with attitudes.

" why can't mommy go out babies ?" asia knelled down and asked.

" because they being spoiled!" Savion said rolling her eyes and her brothers stuck their tongue out at her. 

" Shut up !" Nehemiah said

" Nobody asked you ugly !" Sameir said bucking at his sister and Asia just sighed not wanting to deal with this today.

" Cutt it out !! Now everybody apologize" Asia said sternly and the kids all apologized and stomped out of her room with attitudes.

" I like these ones mommy." the little 5 year old kyrie said holding up the shoe while sipping her caprisun. She was the youngest and the quietest of the bunch.

" thank you my love." her mother smiled bending down grabbing the shoes and kissing her head. Kyrie rarely gave asia problems unless, she was just doing what her siblings are doing , Otherwise she's in her own boat.

" Where you get that juice from ?" Asia asked once kyrie finished the juice and handed it to her. 

" Nene said if i was quiet , i could get one." she shrugged and asia sighed. 

" Daddy !!" Kyrie screamed hearing the doorbell ring. Asia just laughed shaking her head. She went across the hallway and knocked on journee's door. 

She saw the 12 year old was in her room and all in her phone while laying in her bed " C'mon Bug , your dad's here." Asia said to Journee.

" I don't wanna go" Journee said not looking at her mother and still at the phone. 

" and why not ?" Asia walked up to the bed and sat down on the edge watching Journee not pay her any attention still.

" Because It's stupid that we have to go back and forth." Journee expressed rolling her eyes in the process.

Asia gently grabbed the phone and looked at her giving her that look. Journee smacked her teeth and scooted over so her mother could get in the bed with her. 

" talk to me bug. I can't help or fix what's wrong if you don't tell me what's bothering you." Asia sighed sitting next to her.

Since Journey has gotten older and her hormones grow stronger as each day passes. Asia feels like she should always be there for her to listen and never judge, That's why they're so close.

" Why can't y'all get back together? I liked it when we were all together we felt like a family but now that he's gone it just feel so weird." Journee sighed laying her head on her mother's shoulder and Asia laying her head onto journee's.

It's been about 4 years since Asia and Kese split. The lies and almost cheating were enough for Asia to see that they're weren't meant to be anymore. 

Out of all the kids Journey took it the hardest. It's always been her, her mother and her father. So without one, it just feels different...too different.

" I know you want us to all be together but we can still be a family without living together. Me and Daddy love you guys too much to let our problems effect you. So that's why we're not together anymore because If he stayed it would be worse." She explained and journee nodded. 

" How about we start going out as a family or daddy comes over and spends the night , we all do something as a family." Journee suggested. 

" I don't know about sleeping over, We would have to work towards that. But ask daddy about family nights and we'll see, ok?" Asia said and Journee looked confused.

" Why can't he spend the night? He already comes over,  I hear him when he comes into your room late at night." Journee said laughing and Asia lifted her head up mugging her own child.

" You don't need to be up listening , you should to be asleep!" asia said tickling journee.

" It's hard to sleep when y'all be making them scream and moaning noises." She said and Asia just sat there in shock and embarrassed by her own child.

" Maybe if I take your phone at night you wouldn't be up in the first place and you'll be already be too deep into your sleep to hear me and daddy." She said sneakily and slowly grabbing journee's phone.

" Ok ok !! I didn't hear anything !" Journee laughed grabbing the phone back from her mother making Asia laugh. 

" good and don't tell yo daddy either !!" She said about to get up before a knock on the door stopped her. 

" Don't tell me what ?" Said markese in all his glory standing at the door with all the younger kids fallowing

" Nothing." Both girl said then laughed.

" mhm , Wassup bug." Kese said walking over to the mother and daughter kissing journee's head and side eyeing Asia.

" Wassup mama" kese said smirking and kissing asia's head and neck almost kissing her lips but she backed away.

" Wassup baby daddy" asia said kissing kese on his cheek before patting his chest and pushing him off her. There was a little flirt and flame between the two here and there but that doesn't mean they're getting back together. 

" y'all ready to go ?" Kese asked the kids and they all just sat there.

" was' wrong wit y'all ?" he asked jerking his head back at the silent crowd.

" mommy going out and she don't wanna stay wit us." Sameir said crossing his arms. Kese looked Asia up and down grabbing her hand making her do a 360.

" mhm....bet not be up on no niggas." kese mumbled picking kyrie up and the kids following behind him. Kese knew he couldn't stop her from going but he damn showl was going to be calling her later and checking up on her.

" Alright babies, mommy loves you." Asia smiled blowing kisses at all the kids.

" We love you too mommy" They all said in unison.

" I love you too mommy" kese said walking out.

" Bye daddy" asia rolled her eyes and pushed him out the door laughing.

No matter what the divorce papers say and separate homes look like , the love still remains the same.

THE END.....



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