Triple threat

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Bianca: You're really tough aren't you?

Hilbert: Hey you said it yourself that I'm the best.

Hilbert found himself in Straiton City.

Hilbert: Hi Cheren!

Cheren: Hello Hilbert I was just trying out some strategies. You wanna battle?

Hilbert: YES!

Hilbert's battle with was going alright until Petra fainted. Petra's PokeBall shattered and was gone.

Hilbert: Time out my PokeBall's gone!

Cheren: That's odd...

Hilbert went east to the dreamyard to get his head ready before the gym battle.

Random person: You're doing the gyms right.

Hilbert: Yes

Random person: The Straiton gym will use the type strongest to your starting pokemon. You can have this Panpour.

Panpour: Sup dude.

Hilbert: I'll name you Peter.

Hilbert walked into the restaurant where the gym was.

After eating literally everything off the menu, Hilbert walked to back where the gym leaders were located.

Cilan: Welcome gym challenger.

Cress: We hoped you enjoyed your meal.

Chili: Now it's time for a battle with me Chili!

Hilbert: Why can't I just fight all 3 of you at the same time?

Cress: We each take turns.

Chili sent out Lillipup while Hilbert sent out Smugleaf.

Smugleaf whipped Lillipup with Vine whip.

Lillipup fainted.

Chili sent out Pansear while Hilbert sent out Peter.

Pansear incinerated Peter's Oran berry, Peter used water gun to douse Pansear.

Chili: Welp rules are rules so here's the trio badge.


Cress: No you still have about 7 gym badges before you can claim that title.

Hilbert: Awwwwwww😢

Smugleaf: Welp I'm out

Puddingpup: Yeah me too.

Hilbert: Oh no you don't! Now I know this dream seems unrealistic so let's train in the dreamyard to boost our confidence.

Hilbert and crew went to the dreamyard for training. Bianca was also there too

Hilbert: Hi Bianca what are you doing here?

Bianca: There's a Pokemon called Munna that can bring dreams to life so I want to try and catch it.

Suddenly they heard a pained cry coming from deep in the yard. The source was a Munna getting kicked by the same people who spoke out about pokemon liberation.

Hilbert: Why are hurting it

Team plasma grunt: We will use the dream mist to convince trainers to release their pokemon.

Bianca: Isn't what your doing go against your philosophy.

Plasma grunt: Enough! You owning a Pokemon makes you evil, so I'll just take'em!

The plasma grunt attempted to steal one of Hilbert's pokemon. Hilbert kicked the plasma grunt in the groin.

Plasma grunt: Owww.. Damn you.

Hilbert: Now stop hurting the poke-

The plasma grunt whipped out a gun.

Hilbert: Oh right.

Suddenly a bunch of monsters started roaring and rushed at the plasma grunt.


The plasma grunts ran away. As they did, the monsters faded from existence.

Bianca: What was that, It was like those were dreams that came to life.

A murshana was healing the Munna.

Bianca: I'm glad the Munna was saved.

Hilbert Noticed a sleeping Audino and caught it.

Hilbert: I'll name you Sound.

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