"How long?" you breathed.

"So long," he muttered as his hands found their way beneath your shirt. He ran his fingers up and down your sides and you shivered at his touch. Then his hand reached up to the back of your head, and he leaned forward suddenly, pushing you on the rug and lying on top of you, his fingers tangled in your hair.

"Can I..." he trailed off, his eyes flickering down to your lips then back up to your eyes as he stared at you with a hunger you'd never seen. You took your time in answering, listening to him pine for you, the hand that cushioned your head tugging at your hair.

"Please," you eventually said and his lips were on yours. He kissed you gently at first, but as you opened your mouth he kissed you with more hunger, more passion, his hands roaming across your body like it was the first and last time he could ever touch you. You trailed your hands downwards, palming him through his boxers and the feral groan he released made your eyes roll back in your head. He kissed down your jaw, down your neck, and just as he reached down to pull the t-shirt over your head, something made him freeze. You whined as his lips parted from your body, tugging gently at the hair on the back of his neck.

"I can't," he said softly, crawling off of you, his eyes glancing shamefully at the mirror. You looked into it.

You saw Steven in the reflection, sheets draped around his unclothed body. "y/n," he said sadly, and you turned yourself to him.

"Him," Marc said. "He's what's wrong."

"I don't... I don't understand," you said, and then your eyes widened as you thought you realised the reason he didn't want you to continue. "Oh, Steven. I'm so sorry sweetheart. I should have considered you're in the same body, and even if Marc wants this, you might not. Oh God," you said, pressing your face to your hands. "I should've asked for consent first. I swear I'd never hurt you... touch you without your permission –"

"- hey," Marc said, shaking his head. "Don't worry baby girl, you've got it all wrong."

You paused. "I have?"

"You wanna tell her, or shall I?" Marc asked, and Steven, red as a tomato, motioned for him to continue. "He loves you, y/n," he said, "and through all my time watching you, so do I. But I don't wanna hurt him. He wants to be with you."

You looked back at the mirror and Steven couldn't meet your eye. "Steven," you coaxed, crawling towards it until your hand was on the glass. "Please talk to me. Is he right?"

"Of all the times I've imagined this... us, together, this isn't how I thought it would be. I thought I would be in control of my own body," he admitted. "I'd take you on a date first, to the planetarium of something; we'd have a nice dinner, walk by the river, go to a carnival. Then we'd come back and... Innit obvious love? I've loved you since the moment we met, but I didn't wanna push you into anything, I... I like our friendship." He met your eye. "I get if you want him. He's prob'ly more experienced anyways."

"No Steven," you said, and then you looked at Marc who was beginning to seem just as hurt as Steven was. "I... it's hard, you've both gotta understand that," you explained. "Because Steven, I love you more than words can say, but also... Marc, I know I haven't known you long but I like you a lot. And I know that's wrong because despite the same body, you're different people." You glanced between them, and felt a huge weight of relief lift from your chest as the two of them nodded.

"You really love me too?" Steven asked and you nodded eagerly.

"So much, Steven." 

"So, what do we do?" Marc said, and he couldn't help but smirk slightly as his hand brushed your hair from your shoulder and he planted a kiss against your neck. "Share you?"

"I don't wanna stop you havin' fun love," Steven said.

"It's ok," you replied, although the heat in your core and lack of Marc's touch was driving you wild. You sat back on your heels and into him, and his hands rested on your hips. Steven noticed.

"No it's not, and I –"

"- it is," you said. "I understand. And more than anything, I'm flattered... and," it felt weird to say but you were glad you could. "I love you too." Then you grabbed Marc's hand. "I love you both. So, share me? Yeah, if you're both okay with that," you said. "I don't wanna loose either of you, but I can't have just one without hurting the other. So, it's both or neither, and that's a choice you to have to make." Steven and Marc stared at each other, and it went unnervingly quiet. "I'll uh... I'll wait on the balcony." You stood up and, heart pounding, pushed past the curtains and into the evening heat.

With the busy Cairo streets below you, you could barely hear Steven and Marc as they spoke, and despite the nerves eating you up, you decided to instead make the most of being in a country you always wanted to visit, and spent the good part of a half hour people watching. Then, as you stretched out, groaning with satisfaction as your back clicked, you noticed a small metal ladder; a fire escape leading both down and up the hotel where you stayed. You grinned and climbed up with no fear of the height, and when the view of the city went from incredible to flat out unbelievable, you tucked your knees beneath your chin and watched the sun disappear behind pyramid. When darkness fell, you laid back and stared at the sky. It wasn't the easiest to see the stars, but boy was the moon beautiful.

"y/n?" you heard Marc call, and you stuck your head over the side of the roof.

"Up here," you called and you waved as he looked upwards. You waited for him to use the ladder, but in a single second, he had the suit on and with a single jump he was by your side.

"Hi," he said with a grin and you elbowed him lightly.

"Show off," you said and he chuckled, the suit disappearing. "Look, Mr Moon Man," you pointed at the moon, "how beautiful."

"Moon Man?" he scoffed. "Nah ah, it's Moon Knight."

You thought he was joking. "Oh, you're serious."

"Yes, I'm serious," he said and you laughed, raising your hands in surrender.

"Alright Mr Knight. Either way, the moon looks beautiful."

"It is," Marc said, but he wasn't looking at the moon.

"You and Steven come to an agreement?" 

Marc nodded. "We're sharing you." You grinned, thankful that you didn't have to give them up, and he put his arms around you. "But there are terms of our agreement."

"And what if I don't agree with these terms?" you asked flirtatiously and he responded by grabbing your jaw, turning your head to him, and kissing you. When he pulled away you gave him an exaggerated sigh. "Alright, you've twisted my arm. I agree."

Marc shook his head humorously. "You've known Steven a lot longer than you've known me," he said, "and Steven's been wanting you longer than I have. Not that much longer but -" Marc shrugged, "-long enough. So, anything that we wanna do, he gets to do with you first."

"Such as?"

"First date, first... y'know," he said, his voice raspy. "Which, by the way baby girl, you better sleep with him soon because I am desperate to get my hands on you properly. He may be first, but you won't remember anyone else once I've had my go." You hit his shoulder at the comment and he apologised meaninglessly, which you knew but accepted all the same.

"What about first kiss?" you asked coyly.

"We already had that so -" Marc winked. "-I can kiss you whenever."

"Good," you said, and you slid your hand around his arm as you kissed him, settling your head against his shoulder when you were done. "So... What's the plan. We're here. Cairo. What are we doing?"

"Looking for Ammit's tomb," Marc said. "Without the scarab, we're gonna have to resort to plan B."

"Which is?"

Marc couldn't help but let an amused grin spread across his face.  "Not as good as plan A." 

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