Valentine's Day

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*Waking up at 11 in the morning, you got out of bed and got ready by chasing into some work-out clothes and put your hair into a high-ponytail before grabbing your phone and bag as you head down to the WWE Gym that was right down the street. After walking for 5 minutes to the gym, walking into the building you saw that it was Taylor and Priscilla there, which you three wanted to work on moves together. but other than that the place was empty, which was somewhat normal for superstars after a weekend live shows, Monday Night RAW and Main Event tapings, mostly for the ones who ever booked for all four shows. you go over to the ring and place your stuff on the floor before rolling into the ring and start stretching. So caught up in your mind and the music playing in your earbuds as you warmed up, you didn't even hear the front doors open as Beth, Adam, Dominik, Demi, Luis, Fergal, Gary, Kenneth and Bianca walk in, all wearing work-out clothes as well*

Demi's Pov

*Being at the gym with everyone, we spotted Paige, Taylor and Priscilla all stretching in the ring, and I could clearly see out the corner of my eye that Dominik was staring at Paige, causing me to hold in my laugh as best as I could, but not best enough as Bianca noticed it*

Bianca: what's so funny?

Demi: Dom is checking out Paige

Bianca: No way...

Dominik: I'm not checking her out, Demi

Bianca: that's not what you're eyes say

Dominik: Okay. I know I'm already taking her out later tonight, but you don't have-

Everyone: YOU WHAT?!

*all of yelling and Dominik had him jumped and we had completely forgotten that we weren't alone in the building, until there was a loud thud echoing throughout the room. I look behind me and see Paige holding onto her leg. then Taylor and Priscilla are back in the ring, helping Paige up*

Taylor: Paige, are you okay?!

You: I think so. can I kill them?

*The three look over at the 9 of us, who are still standing in front of the front door. not even hesitating, Dominik slips out from the group going near the ring, not wanting to be killed by his valentine on valentine's day*

Luis: wait! where's Dom?

Dominik: over here! I'm not trying to be killed!

Paige: I'm not actually going to kill you. I was joking

Demi: Thank goodness!

Back to you

Adam: so, what are you girls working on?

Taylor: just different move-sets. solo and tag, nothing special

Bianca:well, mind if we join?

You: not at all

*you ended up getting one ring, sitting over near treadmills, which was a good distance from the ring as you watched Beth help out the other girls with different moves and in the ring next to them was Adam helping out the guys. You then saw Dominik walk over and sat next to you, taking your attention from the rings*

You: what's up?

Dominik: I was thinking after this, we could just hang out for the day, then tonight maybe..dinner?

You: I'd like that

Dominik: really?

You:yea! Plus I feel like this way we get to know more about each other

*you both smile at each other, before you turn your attention back to the ring, where the step by step matches were going down*

4 hours after being at the gym

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