25. Rafael

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Each passing day made me realize how foolish my plan was. Did I really think I could fix everything in one trip? I severely underestimated what I was taking on. But then I realized I didn't have to necessarily do all of it on my own. All I needed was to be the catalyst for change.

My last encounter with Clara went well. I was worried she wanted nothing to do with me but the fact that we talked like the good old days was promising. I was still careful to not bring up the idea of her telling the truth too soon as it was still a sensitive topic but I know she feels guilty about it.

I told Florence what happened and she was shocked to hear about Clara's attempt to hang herself.

"Should we keep an eye on her?" Florence asked, her eyes wide. "Her poor daughter!"

I was starting to question myself. She saw how scared Mia got so I just assumed she wouldn't attempt again but you just never know. And the thing is that I'm not a licensed professional. Clara should talk to someone and Mia as well. It's tough when they're both in such a difficult situation.

"Ideally, I'd like for them to talk to someone but I realize that's not an option right now. I think Clara seeing Mia's reaction made something click so I'm not sure she'll do something anytime soon. But you just never know," I replied. "I think I'm slowly getting through to her and it's not a quick process by any means. I just have to steer the conversation towards having her talk to the police but I don't know how."

Florence sat next to me on the bed and I got a proper look at her for what felt like the first time in days. I've been neglecting her again judging by the bags under her eyes. She probably lost sleep worrying over me.

"We don't have that much time left," I said, feeling overwhelmed. I've been counting down the days left and trying to plan how each day would go but I knew it was no use. I decided to change the subject. "How are you doing? Have you been sleeping?" I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her towards me.

"I'm alright. I've practically been everywhere there is to go so I've been going back to my favorite places. I saw Matilde today and we had lunch together."

"What did yous talk about?" Florence seemed to shrink back in embarrassment when I asked her.

"She was asking me how it was going and I might've—um—told her some things. I told her not to tell anyone though!" she blurted out. I shouldn't be upset but I couldn't help but feel disappointed wishing she had talked to me before talking to Matilde.

"What did you tell her?"

"I told her how Mia came up to you in the park and let you in the house. And how your first encounter with Clara didn't go so well." What they talked about wasn't as bad as I thought but I knew she was holding back details. Florence scratched her head and continued. "She told me something interesting. Does Rafael know about you?"

"No. Why d'you ask?"

"Rafael suspects someone's been in the house and asked Matilde to look for anything strange."

I thought I left no trace behind but maybe I wasn't careful enough. And then I remembered how I ate dinner at their house and washed an extra set of dishes that otherwise wouldn't have been there. How could I be so stupid?! That, coupled with Clara's strange behavior, must've led Rafael to suspect something.

"Did he mention Clara at all to Matilde?" I asked.

"No he didn't but she could tell he wanted to. He admitted to leaving his daughter home alone and said he was worried about her safety. I just want you to be careful because I know you've been spending a lot of time there lately and I don't want anything to happen to you. We don't know what Rafael is like and what he's capable of. What if he thinks Clara is cheating on him?"

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