8. I'd Do Anything

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If I had it my way, I would've stayed home to call Clara's mum and Matilde. However, today is Thursday which meant my session with Florence was today. Florence suggested we go under my dream so we can find out more about Clara. At first, I thought it was because she was scared of having a sex dream but the longer she declined, the more I thought it was something else. It's strange because Florence doesn't even get embarrassed so I don't think it's that. She's hiding something from me but I can't figure out what.

"So are we going under your dream today?" I asked teasingly, watching her pick out her outfit. I've since given up trying to sleep when Florence wakes me up. I actually don't mind because it gives us a moment together in the morning. Florence put away her shirt, deciding against it and pulled out another shirt.

"My dream?" she repeated. "I thought you wanted to go under your dream in case you dream about Clara again."

As much as I'd like to dream about Clara again, I can't always control my dreams. The past few dreams I had weren't even about her at all, though I wondered if all these phone calls I have to make will prompt something. I was dead set on figuring out what Florence was hiding but I was at a loss on how to convince her.

"I've not dreamt about her the past few times. I think it's the pressure of having to dream something. Perhaps I need a break. We'll go under my dream next Tuesday." My hope was that this would prompt her to say yes as it was fair in my mind but she didn't reply. She looked at me but didn't answer and slipped out of the room to change.

After some time, I could hear some noise in the kitchen which meant she was packing her stuff and eating breakfast. Now that I've been staying awake, she's less shy about making as little noise as possible. Laying in bed just listening to her reminded me of how we still need to find a bigger place that works for the both of us. We looked at some places that were promising but neither of us could agree on it together. If I liked a place, Florence had a problem with it and vice versa. It was starting to get frustrating because we agree on a lot of stuff but couldn't agree on where to live. I'd like to find a place before my lease is up. Before Florence left, she poked her head through the door.

"Babe, I'm leaving. See you at 3:30."

"See you."

Again, there was no indication of whether or not she'd agree to go under her dream. And because I was alone, all I could think of was the worst.


When I got into work, I was surprised to see that Bondy was already in, hard at work. I said good morning to him and he could sense the surprise in my tone.

"I've got a dentist appointment this afternoon. It totally slipped my mind that it was today. Thought I'd come in early to make up some time," he explained and I nodded my head.

"Have fun with that," I replied. Does anyone even enjoy going to the dentist? I'm always scared they're gonna find something to fix. I took out my laptop and put it in the dock.

Today is quite busy as I have to finish Roman's dream analysis from yesterday. And if I'm lucky enough, I could sneak to the 11th floor to call either Clara's mum or Matilde. I won't have time for both. I made some tea and brought it over to my desk, getting started on the report.

It wasn't until 10 AM that I snuck out for a ciggy. Bondy and Larry usually join me but I went earlier than usual so they didn't join me. I made sure my cigarettes and lighter were with me before stepping out and taking the lift down to the lobby. On my way out, I called Clara's mum, pressing the phone to my ear. Even though Bondy and Larry didn't join me, I went elsewhere for some privacy. It wasn't until the third ring that she picked up.

Dream // Van McCannWhere stories live. Discover now