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Delilah walked over to her closet overthinking her little brains out because she had to find something to wear to Vianara's house,  She was clad in soft silk shorts and tank top which had a strap falling off, her fluffy socks make it hard to walk due to the friction it caused between her and the floor but she still made her way to the closet while her stuffed bunny was in her hands, she set it down on a shelf in her closet and she looked through her clothes to find something that looked classy enough to wear to Vianara's house, Vianara often enjoyed taking pictures and always dressed very mature, Delilah was not of that sort though, she enjoyed skirts and dresses not pants and dress shirts. Ultimately she chose a black skirt that reached a little above her mid thigh and a full sleeved crop top, she decided to wear black boots and her necklace with had a small pearl attached to a silver chain that her brother bought for her the day she left for college. 

She started walking over to Vianara's house even though is was cold and there were men all along the road staring at her, she knew she probably should walk around alone in a bad neighborhood like hers but she didn't want to bother someone with the burden of walking her to and from her house, plus she wanted to spare Vianara from all of the trouble and baggage she came with.

As she stalked her way over to the house she saw a fancy car in the parking area, a Ferrari F430 to be exact, she could only dream of having such a car but it didn't really matter to her, she wanted to find love and lead a happy life, not a life where she spent all he time obsessing over money and what to buy, she was content with the idea of being in another arms.

She walked inside Vianara's house from the backdoor, Vianara and another man appeared to be sitting on the dining table, he was tall and was extremely tan, Delilah thought that he looked very attractive but she wouldn't say it to anyone outside of her mind, the man had black hair and sharp facial features, almost warm but scary, he also had a scar on his eyebrow, Delilah  thought that gave him more character,

"Delilah! holy shit that took you so long, but its fine you're here now. Meet Alejandro!" Vianara  said with so much excitement, Delilah on the other hand was shaking out of fear.

"Hi Delilah, that's a pretty skirt sweetheart," said Alejandro with a soft small on his face, Delilah  blushed and mumbles back a quick hi in response.

"stop hitting on my friends already you horny idiot," exclaimed Vianara, she was attracted to women but not any women, Vianara was attracted to Delilah and she had told her that, but Delilah was straight and Vianara was fine with that, however she was very protective.

"Shut the fuck up, no one was talking to you," said Alejandro, and in a very mean way, Delilah couldn't tell but he was just joking around with his cousin, Delilah was shaking even more now, she wasn't used to all this swearing.

"Stop swearing in front of her, she doesn't like it, it scares her." said Vianara and Delilah was very grateful to her for saying it.

"Im sorry Delilah, I didn't mean to scare you," said Alejandro, Delilah nodded and put her head down, she sat down next to Vianara even though she wanted to sit next to the handsome man, but she barely knew him, she probably shouldn't.

"Tell me a little bit about yourself Delilah," asked Alejandro, he always seemed so well thought out and knew what to say, she admired that.

"I-I study at NYU, I'm 19 a-and I-I," she started to panic, she didn't know what to do or say, what else is there to say about her? why doesn't she know what to say? she's gonna sound like an idiot! and Vianara started getting up to prepare some food, so now she's left her stammering.

"It's okay, take your time, no ones rushing you," he said in a gentle but deep voice, he had a domineering presence and it made her feel safe.

"there's not much else to s-say, tell me something about y-you please," said Delilah, the truth was she was a very shy person and wanted him to comfort her, she didn't know why but she already felt this attraction towards him, but she just met him! how is that possible?

"I'm sure that's not true Delilah, I guess ill have to find out on my own then sweetheart, well I'm 21 and I'm a business owner of sorts," he said, every time he said sweetheart it made her blush, every time he reassured her insides feel as though they were doing summersaults with no way of getting back down on the ground but this was so weird and new her! she had just met him.

"Guys I made pasta but its slightly burnt so, y'all will just have to bear with me here, give me ten more minutes!" Vianara  yelled from the kitchen, 

"This bitch again," said Alejandro in a disappointed tone,

"p-please don't say that about my f-friend she is not that word at a-all," said Delilah with her shaky voice and trembling hands,

"Delilah I didn't mean it negatively, I just- you know what, never mind, i'm really sorry, I didn't mean to upset you by saying that about Vianara, I was just joking, but it was mean joke, wasn't it? Alejandro said not wanting to upset the girl any further, she seemed so kind he enjoyed seeing that, with his line of work he didn't see even a glimpse of empathy, he wasn't being honest with Delilah about what he does, Alejandro Alvarez was known as a ruthless man, he ran the biggest drug cartels all around New York, he was born and raised till the age of 14 in the Dominican Republic while also having some cuban heritage, he was part African American too, hence his relation to Vianara, however if one was to ask him what his ethnicity was, he would say he was hispanic, he soon found himself engaging with people who were parts of gangs, but he didn't find himself interested in that, he wanted to be the leader of the operation and that is exactly what he did, he hurt people on a daily basis, this is why he found Delilah  so endearing.

"Yeah it was kinda mean but i'm not m-mad at you! not at all," she exclaimed, hoping he knew that she wasn't seriously mad at him she just wouldn't want someone saying that about Vianara,

"that's great sweetheart, i'm glad you're not mad, how about we start eating now huh? I bet you're pretty hungry, I'm pretty hungry too baby," Alejandro said, he noticed how her collarbones stuck out, she was overly thin for someone her age, however her thighs were thick and she did have larger breasts than mosts, he didn't want to sound like a creep but that was just the truth, he knew he was coming off strong for the first time they met and he normally isn't like this with women, he usually typecasts women as whores but he could tell there was something different with Delilah, she seemed sweet but she looked anxious and nervous, it wasn't hard to tell that she was a shy girl, so he did the most to make her feel comfortable, Delilah on the other hand was blushing like a crazy women when he called her baby, the endearment reminded her of how safe she felt with her brother, but it made her feel a different sort of way now, she felt.. attracted to him? she didn't understand this but she decided not to think more of it, she just wanted to enjoy eating after not having done so in a while.


 ok so that was not that bad??? like actually not that bad, im doing this whole third person thing so lmk how yall feel abt that and give me story prompts bcs Idk where im going with this lol.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2023 ⏰

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