Special Chapter:My Love For You

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Hello guys,I'm back after a long time not posting because of exams,which was so fucking difficult.Anyways,this special chapter took place 1 week before Shizue got revive,Rimuru will also get a bit emotional in this chapter.Hope you guys enjoy.
It was night in Tempest,everyone is sleeping in their home.Well,except for one person,Rimuru Tempest is still working in his office even though it's nearly midnight.On his table,there are still one stack of paper he haven't check yet.He look at the stack of paper then he look at the clock in his office,it's already 11:00 pm.

"It's already this late*sigh*,I need to hurry up"Rimuru then use Thought Acceleration to finish the final stack of paper.

"And done,now I can give her this present.I hope she will like it"Rimuru clean up and head out of his office.

When Rimuru got outside,he teleport to a familiar small hill where he and Shizue used to watch the scenery together when she was alive.Rimuru chuckle after remembering her suprise face when he show her Tokyo from his memory.The moment he look up the hill,he see a woman with short,black hair praying to what look like a tombstone.

"Hinata?Is that you?"Rimuru said,which make the woman suprise and turn around,Rimuru was right,it was indeed Hinata.

"Oh,it just you Rimuru.You scared me there"Hinata said with the moon light reflecting on her face with a tint of red on her cheeks.

"Really?Did I just scared the almighty hero Hinata Sakaguchi~"Rimuru said in a teasing voice.

"..."Hinata stay silent with her arm cross.

"Ahem.Anyways,why are you out here?Can't sleep?"Rimuru asked.

"No,I just miss her,so I came here"Hinata replied.

"I'm guessing you guys already visit her"Rimuru said while moving closer to the tombstone revealing Shizue name on it,there were some flower and a basket full of snacks next to the tombstone.

"You guys made these?"Rimuru pointed at the snack basket.

"We only help with the ingredients,Alice and Shuna were the one who made it.Anyways,I will take my leave now,Luminous might get worry when i'm out for too long this late"Hinata answered and slowly walk away.

"One more thing Rimuru"Hinata said which made Rimuru turn to her.

"I want to apologize for the troubles I gave you in the past and thank you for taking care of Shizu sensei in her last moment,something this horrible student can't even do"Hinata said with a sad face.Suddenly,Rimuru hug her which made her entire face red.

"Don't say that,you are the best student Shizu-san could ever have.She was lucky to have a chance to teach such a great student like you"Rimuru said while caressing her face which was red from embarrassment.He then proceeded to put his face closer to Hinata face,look into her eyes in his beautiful golden eyes

"A-anyways,I better take my leave now"Hinata pushed Rimuru away and run while blushing.

{He did that on purpose,didn't he?His face was so close,why would he do that,it couldn't be that he know I have feeling for him,right?Ahhh,curse you Rimuru!}Hinata screamed in her thought.

"I wonder why she always so red when I touch her?"Rimuru shrugged it off .He then get infront of Shizue grave and sit down.

"I'm here Shizu-san,sorry for being so late again"Rimuru said while praying to Shizue grave.

"Also,Happy Birthday to you Shizu-san.If I'm not wrong,this is your 85th birthday isn't it?You are getting really old huh"Rimuru chuckle a bit after saying that.

"Oh,I almost forgot,I brought you a present.I hope you will like it"Rimuru pull out a small box from his Imaginary Space and put it down infront of her grave.

After that,there was only silence,the only sound that can be heard is the sound of the wind that blow around the hill he was sitting.His beautiful long light blue hair fly through the wind revealing his breathtaking golden eyes with a hint of sadness.

"They miss you alot Shizu-san,especially Alice and Hinata.*sniff*I miss you too Shizu-san,I really do,but I can't allow myself to revive you,*sniff*that will break our promise together"Rimuru said while tears running down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry,I didn't mean to cry.*sniff*This is so embarrassing,crying infront of you like this"Rimuru noticed the tears and tried to wipe it away but it keep flowing from his eyes.

"I wish you were here Shizu-san.*sniff*I wish I was strong enough to save you"Rimuru took a deep breath and tried to calm himself.

There was only silence again,Rimuru stop crying after a while,Rimuru then gaze at the moon.

"The moon today sure is beautiful isn't it?"Rimuru said.

"I will take my leave now,I'll visit again if I have the time"Rimuru stood up and walk away.

"I love you Shizu-san"Rimuru glanced at Shizue grave one last time.

Back to present:

"I wonder how much Rimuru-san have to pay to gave me this necklace on my birthday?"Shizue said while looking at a necklace made from gold with a sapphire on it with a blush on her face.

"Shizue-sama,are you in there?"Shuna voice can be heard.

"Yes,what it is?"Shizue put on her necklace and walked to the door.

Total Word:936 Words

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