"I suppose, even if Eli is only crown prince by name. I have yet to choose a successor." Another meaningless stance. This whole conflict wouldn't be nearly as problematic if King Riverty decided on a successor, but he wanted it to be a fair competition between the brothers. There was nothing fair about the competition to begin with. Prince Elliot was crippled from who knows what (the king has issued a gag order), which prevents him from making any military accomplishments. The Kingdom of Riverion is a militant country, thus Prince Elliot hardly has any supporters.

"Simply choose him as your successor." My mother smiled at the King.

"If only it were that simple." King Riverty sighed and I swear I could see my mother's desire to strangle him in her eyes. As far as I'm aware, this country wasn't a democracy, so it really was as simple as just choosing a successor. King Riverty was waiting for something. He had to be. "Why don't we ask the two involved?" King Riverty eyed Prince Elliot, who was surprisingly quiet throughout the whole discussion.

"Personally, I would be delighted to marry Lady Lucienne." Prince Elliot chirped with that innocent smile of his. "She has many desirable attributes that I believe would be befitting of a queen."

My gaze flicked back and forth between Pierce and Prince Elliot. I could tell that Pierce was trying his best to appear pleasant. My father has thrown all the pleasantries out the window. "What do you know about my daughter, boy?" The tension in the room was steadily increasing as my father's murderous intent polluted the air. If he went on a rampage, the only person who could stop him was Pierce, but I doubt Pierce would get in the way.

"She's incredibly intelligent. More intelligent than many young lords who graduate from the Academy. Undoubtedly because of your lessons, Marquis Ravenswood. She carries herself nobly despite not attending any social gatherings because of Marquess Ravenswood's exquisite guidance. Most of all, she cares for her people as if they're family. I believe those attributes define the ideal queen." The silver tongue struck. I couldn't even bring myself to feel flattered. My mother, on the other hand, fell for every word. She was beyond convinced now.

"Let's let the two become more familiar with each other before we announce an official engagement." My mother declared.

My father erupted from his chair. "Philippa—"

"I'm glad we could reach an agreement." King Riverty was beaming as if the two of them had planned this all along.

My father grabbed King Riverty's shoulder. "Andrew, do you not think this is—"

"Lysander." King Riverty sighed. "If Lucienne will not have my son, then I will have no choice but to rescind the offer. But I believe it is in their best interest for the two to come to that decision on your own. I understand wanting to protect your daughter, but she is no longer a child." My father slowly deflated. "Believe me, my friend." He squeezed my father's shoulders. "I know where your concerns lie and, if we traded places, I'm sure I would resist you as you are resisting me now. But this is my will as your friend and king."

My father's eyebrows furrowed, but his apprehension seemed to wane. "The choice lies with you, daughter of mine."

At the conclusion of the meeting, I quickly departed from the manor before anyone could probe me for my thoughts on the engagement. Without so much as a coat, I trudged through the snow to the north, behind the manor where the Holy Forest began. Though the sun was high, the density of the canopy made the forest appear dark. This land was my responsibility and this engagement with Prince Elliot would affect that. This decision came with many consequences.

"I thought I would find you here." A coat with a familiar scent was draped around my shoulders. Looking up, the hair as red as rubies was instantly recognizable.


"What's on your mind?" He crossed his arms.

"You know what's on my mind."

"I'm asking you to share your thoughts."

"This decision could change our lives." The weight of the decision finally began to hit me. "His highness has everything to gain, but what do we gain?"

"If I've learned anything from Pierce, it's that his best friend is fair. I'm certain that if you ask for something, anything, Prince Elliot will deliver." Chester pointed out.

"What do I ask for?"

"Whatever you want."

"A title for you." His head snapped to face me at the sound of my words. His lips parted to protest, but I didn't want to hear it. "As far as I'm concerned, you're my brother. You're the only one who doesn't want to carry our last name."

"Luci, I asked you what you wanted. And I don't deserve to carry the Ravenswood name. I'm just an orphan boy your father took in. Also," his hand reached up to touch his bright red hair. "It's clear that I'm not Riverian. I could never be a part of a family that is one of the pillars of the Riverion Kingdom."

"I don't care. And neither does father, mother, or Pierce." We've been trying to convince him to accept the family name for years, but he's content with being the next head knight. He was more than just a knight. He knows where all the family archives are. My father made sure to teach him everything he taught Pierce. He probably knew more than I did. He was a Ravenswood. "You are my brother."

"You acknowledging me as your brother is enough for me."

It wasn't enough for me. I looked back at the manor, then surveyed the forest before me. None of this was enough for me. Chester was right. The Ravenswood family was a pillar in the foundation of the Riverion Kingdom, so why is this only a marquisate? We manage the largest territory in the kingdom, yet we do not have the political standing of a duke.

The power to change everything was in my hands. 

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